Can We Talk About Stranger Things?(There will be spoilers and memes)

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I just finished Season 3 of Stranger Things last night at like 11:30ish (Ik im kinda late to finnishing in but my family was trying to spred it out so we watched 2 eps a night starting on the 5th and we missed a few nights for reasons) And It Was SO GOOOD.

lets talk about it

First off:Ships

1. Mileven (Mike+Eleven) Was STRONG this season! They are one of my favorite ships ever! The season starting w/ them kissing on El's bed was so funny! And the "I dump your A**" Scene was even funnier. But its so cute and kinda sad when u find out why he was being so controlling... ("Because I love her and I can't lose her again!") I mean when u think about it, he met the girl of his dreams and fell in love w/ her and then he lost her, calling her everyday to see if she was even alive, and the she came back only to leave again to close the gate. The last thing he wants is to do is lose her... but its all good cuze they get back together in the end ("I love you too, Mike")

2.Lumax (Lucas+Max) wasn't rly as strong as mileven... I mean he calls her his "Girlfriend" but they didn't get any cute scenes like last season....

3.Duzie (Dustin+Suzie) all i need to say is this girl only has 3 mins of screentime in the whole season but she has the best 3 mins:

4.Jopper (Jocye+Hopper) i can't talk about this rn, to sad

5.Jancy (Jonathon+Nancy) They didn't  get a whole lot of cute scenes, but they are still going strong.

thats all i can think of rn, next up:

Plot Twists and Character Development

1.Billy. in the first season we see him in we hate him, of course there is the abuse scene where we kinda see why he is that way but when El goes into his mind we really see... and then his change of heart to save El and die was so sad:(. and Max's reaction was worst... even through the abuse, thats still her brother (Step-brother, but still).

2. Can we PLZ talk about the plot twist w/ Robin. Like Omcp! I was not expecting that. Lets be real we all shipped her with Steve (unless u saw it coming) and then she was all like "You know why i was so obsessed with you in high school? Cuze Tammy wouldn't stop looking at you, and i wanted her to look at me" and then steve was all like "But Tammy is a girl" and the we were all like "PLOT TWIST SHE'S GAY"

moving on

The Ending

it was so SAD! not only did we lose a lot of good ppl, but Hopper's unsaid speech for El and Mike is so sad now that he's gone... mostly the "leave the door open 3 inches" part. (am i the only one picturing a s4 scene where El and Mike are hanging out in Mike's room in s4 and there is too much noise so El goes to close the door and then she stops for a sec and then leaves it open 3 inches?)

also, THE BYERS MOVING? NO. I mean i guess im okay with it if they bring back all the character and dont make up somthing like "OH JOn CaN't Be iN THis season 4 CUZE hE hAS a JOb In HiS NEW ToWn" but it's still sad. So much has happend in that house and i understand why they would want to leave it. i just hope things stay the same friendship and love wise. also joyce taking El in was the best. she treats El very well and has since s1.

The Post Credit Scene

only 3 things need to be said about this scene

1. Is the demodog/Demogorgon the demodog from the fridge in s2? it could be another one that died in the lab but what about the demodog in the fridge?

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