The past -1

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Kimiko Hisakawa, a once lively and happy little  neko girl, who deeply loved her family. They were an amazing family. They loved each other with all their heart, and cared for many.
This family however, was important.
Their ancestors possessed powers their kind shouldn't have, making them the most powerful bloodline in the neko species. All nekos worship the Hisakawa's treating them like royalty. Other specimens such as demons and vampires, too had deep respect to the family.
To continue the Hisakawa bloodline, siblings were betrothed to each other. These marriages were ensure the family powers would keep its strength in every member. Two heirs were to be produced and betrothed, a male, and a female.

One day in the Hisakawa mansion, a strong deadly scent of fire surrounded the home. Soon enough the fire was engulfing the mansion, speedily destructing everything in its path . It was too easy to figure out that this was no where near an accident. The fire had spread far too quickly.
Along with the burning and the suffocating smoke, were very strong stenches of poisons. Deadly poisons. Good for quick murder.

The first instinct was to save Kimiko, she was the most powerful. Born with powers none of her ancestors had, and undiscovered ones too. Kimiko, as the only one out of the family who could control the four elements, wanted to
save them with her powers. She was quickly turned down and was told her it was useless, that there were people watching who mustn't know the strength of Kimiko's abilities. It was also known that the poison was already too close to escape from, of course little Kimiko was immune to the instant effects. Her 2 older brothers, older sister, mother and father, said their goodbyes smiling at the young one as they were all about to painfully die. Her mother had told her to run and don't try to save any of them because it was useless. Run as fast as she could and never look back. To be safe, and to find a man with long white and pink hair whom is waiting for her. The little girls heart had cracked, but she ran, she ran as fast as she could, quietly crying with short, frequent, hiccups.

Soon enough the little girl had spotted a pale-white figure in the smoky, ashy, distance.
She recalled her mothers words,
"R-run, d-don't look back, f-find t-the man......With the long w-white *pant* and pink hair named K-karlheinz. H-he will s-save you...W-we love you honey. Goodbye......"

As she reached closer to the figure, he turned around. Becoming clearer, she saw it was the man with long pink and white hair her mother had spoken about.

The man smiled at her when she arrived, standing before him,
"Hello darling, you must be Kimiko. I'm Karlheinz, it's marvellous to finally meet you." The man said while giving the the girl an assuring smile.
"Hello, i-it's nice to meet you too sir." She said looking up to meeting her blue eyes to his golden orbs, still hiccuping ever so often.

Karlheinz ketchup picked up the girl and started walking to his limo which wasn't too far from the forest he and the little girl were in. "Your father contacted me before the fire saying he sensed danger. He wanted me to look after you for a while until I could find a place to adopt you. He wishes for you to have a peaceful life, away from danger. So I hope we can get along, Kimiko." He said as he noticed the worried expression of the little one.
When they reached the limo, the two chatted on the way to his mansion to get to know each other better.

In the 3 years she had lived with Karlheinz, she loved all of it. Her eyes and hair had changed into purple and she learned to refer to Karlheinz as 'dad' or 'father'. She knew he had wives and sons, but he never seemed to visit them much. She never met any of them either. Kimiko knew that getting too close to this man was a bad idea. Not all good things will last.




- Part 2 coming very soon :]]]]


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