The New Home......

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Ooo fuck its daddy
jk *cough*

Kimiko POV

Just as BBIBBI by IU was ending, the cab comes to a stop.
"Oi monster, we're here." Yui growls with her weird naturally high pitched shit-voice.

I take out one of my earphones and stare at her for a second contemplating if I should answer back or not,
"Oh my, Yui! I didn't realise that the car has, oh no, come to a stop! And in front of an estate! WOAH. Shocker!" I said in an imitating high pitched obnoxious shit-voice.

I heard the driver try to stifle a laugh as we got out. I turned around to look at the place that has supposedly, saved me, from that shit hole.

A mansion. Wow. Lucky me. I remember when I lived in a mansion. Though, it wasn't as big as this.
The driver handed our luggage, I said thank you and bowed after paying him. Even though the trip was paid for beforehand. The driver sent me a thankful look and lightly bowed in return. Though he did quickly scurry off to the car.
hes clearly in a hurry to leave...¿
woah i stated something obvious.. just like her. ew she's rubbing off on me grosssss


My ears twitched as I felt drops on my head. I lean my head back to realise that it was raining. Greaaattttt. Wait! Hold up. I felt the rain?
I quickly threw my hands to my head just to find out that i'm not wearing a hoodie, hat, or beanie. Well fuck. I don't even have any more potions to be able to appear human, greaaaaaaaattt. *sob*
Just as I was loSt in my thoughts I heard an agonisingly loud shit-squeel.


"whoops. my bad." i stated in a dull tone with a dull expression.
I turn off my music, take off my earphones, and wrap them around my phone. Instead of listening to what she has to say I continue to walk towards the entrance. Yui huffs and runs in front of me, about 5 metres.... The way she runs is truly so embarrassingly stupid.

I saw Yui knock twice until the door just opened by itself. Dafaq? And of course, she just walks in and start yelling if anybody is home. Well yeah somebody's probably in the huge fucking place.
God I hate how I can hear her from here.

Just as I walked through the door I heard Yui's annoying scream. What now? I kept walking to find where she was.
Wow. She was underneath some red headed guy and 'tried' to get out of this guy's grip.
Pfft. She probably likes it.

I'm sensing a bad aura in this place, creepy.

"Ah! What are you doing!" Yui screeches .-.

"What am I doing? I think you already know. I'm about to take you of course..." The red head said as I was just leaning against a pillar. Guess they haven't noticed me yet. Oh well, I'll just watch the show.

As he was about to bite Yui-
Wait huh?! He has f-fangs?
Oh.....He's just a vampire...No wonder I felt a bad presence. Hehe I have fangs too, HeHhEe. YeAH....iM cOol ToO bLoodSucKaA!

Anyways. Just as he was about to bite her a pigeon butler looking man walks in......................................................

"Ayato, what's all this commotion down here?" The butler looking ass said.

"Damn it, it's Reiji." Redhead who is now known as Ayato said to....Himself? Wouldn't be to miss cutting board underneath him. It's easy to know that she's stupid as shit. If she wasn't scared shitless she'd probably be like 'who's reiji??' without even looking anywhere. As if she's deaf too.

"Need I remind you that this is our entrance hall. We use this area exclusively to receive our guests. I must ask you to take you private activities to your private room." Reiji the pigeon explainsssss.

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