The Past - 2

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In the past 3 years, Karlheinz had taught Kimiko self defence and everything she needs to know about the human world. Kimiko was a sheltered girl who knew little about what the outside world was like. The only things she could pick up was the little information in books from their library.

 She was tutored and taught about her powers and how to control them. Karlheinz loved taking care of her, it was one of the best things that has occurred to him. Thankfully, being with her could stop him from having to be with his so called 'brides', especially Cordelia. He was aware of how the brides treated his sons, but he thought it was for the best. 

Karlheinz thought of Kimiko as an innocent and precious gem, so he wanted to protect her and make sure she lived a better life than his sons. He treated her like his own daughter. He knew it'd end. Karlheinz had to spend as much quality time with Kimiko as he'd already found a place fo her to live. She'd leave in 1 month. 

He often thinks about how much Kimiko has grown so far. She's already 9 years old now. Her hair grown really long, her baby fat already wearing off, and........her eyes. They were the brightest eyes he's ever seen. Sparkling purple, like an amethyst. Her eyes had always seemed to hold happiness which added a bit more sparkle. She was always smiling, making him love her even more. He frowned every time he thought about giving her away. He'd love her to stay with him, but his duties as a politician and vampire king are getting heavier. And he wont be able to be there for her often.


Soon enough it was 6 more days until he had to bring Kimiko to the church that'll take her in, her new father to be Seiji Komori. He had to tell her about it. He dreaded the thought. He knew she loved him just as much as he loved her. He didn't want to sadden her, but it had to be done.

After he told her, he noticed her sad face as she looked down. But soon enough she lifted her head giving him the biggest smile he had ever seen from her. 
"I guess we'll just have to make the most out of the days I have left, father"

Those words. It pained him. He looked back at her and smiled, his vision then went blurry, and soon enough, he realised, tears were falling from his eyes. He was crying! A supposed to be heartless vampire! The king!
The little girl saw the tears leave his eyes, she'd never seen him cry, it just made her want to cry. She almost immediately started bawling her eyes out. Karlheinz opened his arms out, signalling the girl to embrace him. Once she took notice, she jumped into his arms seeming like he would never let go. The two were stuck in each others embrace. After a short while she had fell asleep in his arms. Karlheinz walked to his room and laid down with her in his arms. For a while he had been caressing the girls head and occasionally stroking her ears. He realised his eyelids were a bit heavy, so he decided to fall asleep with his chin resting above the girls head as she unconsciously buried herself deeper into his chest.  

Yes we're going to enter her present day self soon......

Just one more chapter for the ugly church :]]]

PrOmIsE xx

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