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David had thought that learning to hit a curveball had been difficult.

He had worried that talking to Grace about his feeling was going to be difficult.

But having to admit to Ricky 'The Ragin' Asian' Santos, that all of his hard work and effort had gone to waste, turned out to be the one of the hardest things for him to do.

Maybe because Ricky had been at his throat this whole time, putting more work into this than David had, with all the planning and whatnot. Maybe because admitting to this was admitting to failure. But really, if he really thought about it, he knew it was because Ricky was a good friend now, as crazy as that felt to say, and he didn't want to let him down.

"So I guess, I just.. I think that there were a lot of things about Alyssa and I that just wouldn't have worked out, you know, long term," he had summed up eventually, after sharing everything despite feeling the sweat forming down his neck.

David cautiously lifted his head to check what kind of reaction there would be, but Ricky just nodded easily, as if a kindergartener had told him that chickens laid eggs.

"I'm really sorry," David added, in case he was upset. He really couldn't tell.

Ricky slowly lifted his thermos to his lips, taking a long sip, before waiting another moment to finally open his mouth and say, "You don't have to be sorry, David."

"Well, I know but I feel bad."

He laughed. "Why would you feel bad? It didn't click between you and Alyssa, so what? That happens every single day. At least we know it had nothing to do with my teaching... because that was perfect."

"Well, we don't know that—" David started but Ricky cut him off.

"Oh yes we do. Alyssa herself said that her parents thought you were an absolute gentleman," Ricky said smugly.


"Yeah, she said they thought you two were a perfect match."

Frowning a little, David asked, "When did she tell you that?"

"Not me directly," Ricky corrected, "But that's what she said to Rachael."

Still confused, David shook his head. "Why would she say that to Rachael?"

Ricky gave him an odd look, "Because they're good friends."

Wait, what?

David's eyebrows furrowed, his mouth opened slightly, "Are you serious? That's vital information! Why did I not know about this?"

"That's actually why I volunteered to do this whole thing," Ricky kept talking like he hadn't just taken the floor out from underneath him. "Rachael had witnessed a bunch of your failed attempts at trying to get closer to Alyssa and asked me to help you."


"She felt bad."


"She said it was sad to watch."


"Like, pathetic sad."

David shut his mouth and just stared at the ground helplessly.

"She said it was like watching a little puppy try to swim against a strong current."

"Okay, I get it."

Ricky laughed at his expression and reached across the table to give him a pat on the arm in an attempt to be encouraging.

At that moment, Mack and Rachael showed up at the table, so David had a few seconds to collect his thoughts before responding. Although, he wasn't completely sure how he was ever going to respond to that. Like, seriously.

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