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Taehyung's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I rubbed my eyes and headed towards the restroom to freshen up.
When I got out of the bathroom, I put on my pink boxers for today only. Today's the first day of school, well for me it is, so I have to look presentable!

I looked through my closet for what I'll put on today. I decided to wear something cozy but casual and comfy.

 I decided to wear something cozy but casual and comfy

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(Taehyung's outfit)

I smiled at myself and made a few poses in front of my mirror. Quickly, I put my black converse on and grabbed my bag. I snatched an apple from the fruit bowl and grabbed my rose covered skateboard.

It took me about 10 minutes to get from my home to school but I made it! Approaching the school, I spot Jimin and Baekhyun

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It took me about 10 minutes to get from my home to school but I made it! Approaching the school, I spot Jimin and Baekhyun. I quickly skate on over to them and greet them.

"CHIMCHIM!! BAEKHYUN!!" I yell out and hug them. "Tae! I'm so glad you're finally here!" Baekhyun smiled. "Ah, me too. I've been super lonely at my old school." I sighed. "Come on Tae! Let me see your schedule!!" Jimin said. I gave him my schedule and as he scanned it, I looked around. A bunch of people were staring at me.

Some glared, some whispered, and some were actually checking me out. I blushed and turned back to Jimin. "Yay!! Taehyungie we have all our classes together!! Except for English but that's ok because you'll have Baekhyun!" Jimin squealed. Suddenly, the bell rang informing us that it's time to head to our home room period. "C'mon, let's go." I nodded and followed Jimin and Baekhyun to 1st period.

As we made our way to math, I spotted a group of guys that honestly looked pretty hot. Especially the one that had a red and black ripped-ish sweater. He didn't seem to take any interest in the girls who were surrounding him. I shook my head and walked inside math class.

Once I stepped inside, all eyes were on me. The teacher, Mr. Lee, looked me up and down. I felt awkward and nervous. Mr. Lee smirked. "Ah, you must be the new student. Please introduce yourself." I nodded and faced the class. "Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung and I'm 17 years old." I let out a relieved breath.

Suddenly, a boy raised his hand. "Um, yes?" I asked. "Why are you wearing girl clothes if you're a guy?" I knew someone would ask ugh. "I wear this because I like it." "Are you gay?" A student asked. "As a matter of fact, I am." I smiled and sat next to Jimin and Baekhyun. We all talked and payed attention to the lesson after we got scolded for giggling too loud.

~~time skip~~

The bell rang for everyone to head to 4th period. That, for me, is gym with Jimin. Jimin kept babbling about Mr. Lee being a perv and about his crushs'. "Your crushs' names are Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok?" I asked. "Yeah and I'm getting all nervous because one of them is in gym with us." I nodded and walked inside the gymnasium. Some guys stared at me with disgust smeared all over their face. I rolled my eyes and walked inside the locker room to change.

There were a few guys but not too many to make me embarrassed to change. I pulled out my maroon hoodie and short black shorts. I took off my clothes and pulled on my gym outfit. "Dude, you're really gonna go outside with no pants?" Some guy asked me. "I'm wearing shorts." I replied lifting my hoodie a bit to show him. "O-Oh. Ok." He quickly left.

I walked out of the locker room and headed to where Jimin was standing. "Ok! Today we're going to play basketball but first, warm ups!" Coach Choi yelled. "First off, 30 push-ups!!" Everyone dropped to the floor. I groaned and dropped down. "Ready?! 1!" I pushed myself down and pulled myself back up.

"30! Great job boys!" My arms are killing me!! I looked over to Jimin and was surprised to see him perfectly fine! "Next up! Squats!" I think I died a little on the inside. I huffed but stood up. I was pretty nervous because the hot dude that I saw earlier was behind me. Plus a bunch of other dudes.

"Ready?! 1!" I squatted and felt my legs screaming in pain. What caught my attention was some whistles from behind me. My face started to heat up. Maybe I'm being paranoid. Ugh I gotta wash my face. I asked the coach if I could go and fortunately, he allowed me. I ran towards the sinks inside the bathroom and splashed water on my face.

Suddenly, the door opened. I turned to see the kid who wore that black and red sweater! We stared at each other for a little bit until I cleared my throat. "Umm...hi?" He smirked and walked slowly towards me. "You're the new kid, aren't you?" He asked. The blood rose to my cheeks as I nodded.

"Hm. Then you're also the talk of the school huh? The boy who wears skirts ?" I nodded again. He looked down at my legs and licked his lips. "Where are your pants baby boy?" Wait. Hold the fuck up. Did he just call me baby boy? I think I forgot how to breath.

Within seconds, he lifted my hoodie. "Booty shorts. Cute." I gasped and pushed him away. "Hey! You can't just do that to someone! It's basically harassment!" I shouted.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "So?" I glared at him. "What do you mean 'So?'?! You can't harass people like that! I don't care if you're popular or rich, I won't let you do that to me!" I huffed and push him aside and left the locker room.

The rest of gym class went by well and without any more problems.

1525 words y'all!! I feel like this was short. If you wanna ask any questions feel free to comment!

Have a meme to brighten your day!

Have a meme to brighten your day!

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