Twenty Two

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Skylar's POV

I glared at Caden for the fifty-seventh time before looking away. I didn't know how much time had passed since he had practically dragged me inside my own house and I personally didn't care.

How could I let him drag me into my own house?

"Come on, Anderson. It has been a whole damn hour." Caden looked annoyed. "Will you say something?"

I refused to meet his gaze, crossed my arms over my chest and slumped down on the couch I was sitting on. Caden, on the other hand, had stopped pacing and was looking at me now--with a so not happy scowl.

"I'm not going to talk."

And when I couldn't have helped myself, I took a quick glance at him from the corner of my eye to see him frustratedly dragging both of his hands through his hair.

"What do you want me to do? Apologize?" He made it sound like that suggestion alone was the most disgusting thing he had ever said.


He looked at me like I had just broken out of a mental asylum. "And what do you want me to apologize for?" He demanded.

I gave him one of my best glares. I wanted to tell him that everything that had happened since the day we first talked was his fault, something that was actually worth an apology. But I knew that wasn't true. And although I was still angry, much lesser than an hour ago, I couldn't just put all the blame on him. That wouldn't be right.

"You, ordering me to act along with Blake so that he could kill me is worth apologizing for." I kept the glare directed towards him. From somewhere around the house, I heard Chicken's soft purrs and that seemed to calm me down a bit.

"I did not ask you to befriend Blake so that he can kill you." He gave me an incredulous look. "Why would I do that?"

I looked away from him and shrunk further back into the couch. "Because you hate me?"

A few silent seconds went by before he exhaled sharply, looking up at the ceiling as if praying for a way to get out of this mess. I couldn't help but stare at him then, something that I did quite often when he was around, even if I was angry.

"If I hated you that much, I would've killed you myself." He told me.

I've never heard anything more romantic than that. It almost melted my heart.

"I need to know what he's after and I can't do that directly. He's got people around who can sense me or anyone from my gang." He added, looking back at me with a much less frustrated look, almost as if he was trying his hardest to explain this to me. "But you can get it out from him."

"Why do you care what he's after?" I asked him.

It was Caden who looked away this time, contemplating with that frown on his face.

"Blake's always after something." He clenched his jaw. "And when he's after something, he ruins everything in the way."

My eyes widened a little. "Well, isn't that another reason for me to not be involved with him?"

Caden's eyes found mine. "You're already involved. And he won't hurt you. Not directly."

"Wow, Caden, that is so reassuring." I rose my hands in the air. "So he won't directly kill me, yes. Should I be concerned? Oh no, I'll be fine getting killed indirectly."

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