Fifty One

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Skylar's POV

I was embarrassed.

Highly embarrassed.

"Come on, man! I thought someone was trying to break in." Shane whined out loud before throwing himself on the couch.

"But this sight was more...nice." Jesse smirked, glancing at Adrian with a knowing look.

I placed a hand over my burning face, trying to somehow hide the mortification I felt at that moment. My whole face felt like it was on fire--so much so that I could even see red now. Caden, on the other hand, didn't look a bit fazed, not even in the slightest.

He tugged me closer by my waist, nuzzling into my neck, his dark black hair inches from my nose. Did he even care that I was practically dying of embarrassment right now?

"Bad timings," Caden muttered.

"She is the girl," Adrian whispered over to Jesse, which I'm sure wasn't meant as a whisper.

All I could think of doing at that moment was to run back home, up in my own room, crawl under my blanket, and forget about the whole entire world until the next century.

"If I had known you two were making out, I wouldn't have sacrificed my sleep." Shane kept on whining in the pillow.

There's a point when your brain just shuts down after receiving too many emotionally embarrassing signals. I didn't understand how I wasn't there yet.

Finally, after what felt like ages, Caden turned around and faced them. I was beyond grateful to finally hide my face behind his back.

God, it was burning.

"You two don't look like you were sleeping." He narrowed his eyes, probably at Jesse and Adrian. They looked like they might start jumping up in glee any second now. Could they make it any worse?

"We were!" Jesse raised his brows before slinging an arm around Caden's shoulder. "Until we heard voices."

I didn't even realize that Adrian had crept up behind me until he wrapped his arm around my own shoulders. "Voices that sounded like--"

"Oh my God." I blurted out with wide eyes, pressing both of my palms against my burning cheeks. This seemed like a horrifying nightmare. "It's very much embarrassing already."

Both of them broke out laughing. Caden just rolled his eyes.

"Can we talk about the details tomorrow?" Shane looked up from his pillow, trying his hardest to keep his eyes open. "I'm so fucking tired."

I was relieved. Finally, someone was on my side.

"Me too." I looked at him, hoping he'd be kind enough to get me out of this mess. Surprisingly enough, he did. Getting up from the couch, he motioned at me to come along. "I'll be the decent one out of this lot, Sky. I'll show you the guestroom."

I ducked Adrian's arm from around my shoulders, relieved that I was finally being saved from this embarrassing situation, and headed after Shane.

"And here I thought she'd be sleeping in Caden's room," Jesse spoke up and Adrian snickered. Before I could've nearly begged them to stop making this even more embarrassing, Caden grabbed my arm and stopped me from following Shane.

"I'll take her to the guestroom." He told Shane before looking back at Jesse and Adrian. "And you two should leave before I kick you out of this house."

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