Forty Five

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Skylar's POV

Once Mom and Dad had left for the wedding, I wasted the entire day watching movies with Chicken and painting.

I suppose my little talk with Mom had made me panic a little. I hadn't yet applied to any colleges and that was a bit worrisome. Painting was something I loved doing. This was something I wanted. Mom didn't know, neither did she understand that. I worried about ever showing her my collection of paintings. How would she react?

Chicken rolled one of the paint tubes towards me--a yellow shade. I guess she'd already grown bored watching me paint for hours now. So I got up and picked another movie, a black and white one, and Chicken seemed to settle at that. Content with her ball of yarn.

It was way past midnight by now--hours since my parents had left. If they were to come back and see the mess I had made in the lounge since then, Mom would freak the fuck out and might even kick me out of this house. Just saying.

I somehow found myself thinking about Cole again. He'd been one of my closest childhood friends back when we lived at our old house. His parents and my parents were great friends--still are--along with them being our neighbours too. The only problem was that I had a huge crush on him. And he'd always considered me as his little sister.

It sucked, I know.

Sitting on this couch, in my pyjamas, and painting was way nicer than seeing my old crush getting married. To my cousin, may I add. What were the fucking chances?

I used to go to every single neighbourhood party (slash those stupid gatherings) just so I could be near Cole. He was the guy every girl dreamed of. Looks, personality and everything else. How was I not supposed to like him?

It wasn't like I could've held a grudge against my cousin though. The last time I'd seen Cole was so long ago. He might've probably forgotten me already.

It took me by surprise when I heard the doorbell ringing. Looking up from the painting at hand, for a whole minute, I remained seated on the couch, my gaze stuck on the front door. Chicken didn't jump down from the couch either, almost as if she knew the dreadful thought going through my head right then.

What if it's Alex?

If he came around my house once, he could probably come by again. I didn't move until Chicken let out a loud meow, hopping down from the couch.

I'd have to face him one way or another.

Pausing the movie on the television, I carefully placed the canvas on the couch, stood up and headed for the front door. Then I cautiously opened it. Only to find Caden standing on the other side, right in front of me.

"Hey." I trailed off in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

He was once again dressed all in black. Except there was no leather jacket this time; he was wearing a dark black sweater that went perfectly well with his dishevelled hair. Just looking at his face made me have this sudden urge to yawn.

Right from my peripheral vision, I saw Jenna standing at her bedroom window, apparently talking on her phone. She also had her hawk-like gaze on me and my front yard.

And Caden too.

I was so not in a mood to deal with Jenna's peeping tendencies right now. A lot exhausted too. The guy who'd kissed me a few days back was standing right in front of me, and Jenna was about to start rumours.

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