Fifty Six

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Skylar's POV


My head hurt. My throat hurt. My lungs hurt. My heart hurt. My limbs hurt. Every part of my body hurt.

So bad.

I would've groaned out loud in pain if only I had it in me to form any sort of sound from my mouth. I didn't even know how to move any part of my body when it felt so numb. 

It took everything inside me to finally move my fingers. And then I opened my eyes, which at first was a bit hard, but my vision adjusted at the empty white ceiling eventually.

After a few more seconds, I finally managed to look around the strangely unfamiliar room. It was a hospital.

And God, my head hurt so bad.

"Skylar." The voice was almost a whisper, but I heard the relief in it.

I forced my gaze away from the ceiling and looked in front of me.

"Mum?" Finally, something managed to come out of my dry throat. Which sounded more like a voice of a person who had ended up crying for centuries. It was that hoarse.

As if sensing the immense thirst I felt at that moment, her eyebrows shot up and she quickly picked up a glass before pouring water inside it. In the meantime, I tried getting up. A hoarse, groan escaped my lips and I felt her arm behind my back, helping me up. She readjusted the pillow behind me as I leaned on it.

"Here, have some water." She sat down on the bed in front of me. I gratefully took the glass of water and chugged it down, trying to ignore the burning sensation that trailed down my chest.

She took the empty glass from my trembling hand and placed it beside me.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" She asked. As I leaned my head back, I saw how tired she looked at that moment--obvious dark circles around her eyes, no makeup, or even her usual clothes. She seemed tense, but the relief and happiness on her face seemed more evident.

"Better." I forced a small smile on my face which ended up turning into a grimace. Nonetheless, my voice didn't sound so hoarse now.

I glanced around the room. It was like every other hospital room. Machines beeping around the bed I was laying on, an untouched food tray on the table beside me, an armchair beside my bed, and a couch at the other corner of the room.

Mom opened her mouth, almost about to say something when the door opened. I looked up and saw Dad holding two cups of steaming liquid as he came inside. However, when his gaze drifted towards mine, I saw his eyes widening a little in surprise. And then it so quickly morphed into relief.

"Skylar." He sounded relieved as well. "Thank God you're awake."

I was more than happy to see their faces for some reason. But my head still hurt. At the back, especially.

"You gave us quite a shock, kiddo." Dad shook his head ever so slightly, placing the two cups of coffee beside my bed.

Mom was still sitting in front of me, on the bed, when she looked over at Dad. "Do you think we should call the doctor to check up on her?"

He glanced over at the obvious discomfort on my face. I was still trying to wrap my head around the numerous wires around me. The constant beeping of those machines and the discomfort of wearing this pale blue hospital gown already felt uncomfortable enough.

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