Chapter 2 Gift of Ganglari

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(y/n) P.O.V

Me and the rest of my sibling where walking to meet up with father and since Kamui was REALLY behind I ran over to him, grabbed his hand and dragged him over to catch up.

then Elise stopped and yelled at us to hurry up.

~timp skip this early -.-~

Soon we saw father standing in front of us.

"I see you made it here safely, Kamui and (y/n)" King Garon or father said to us.

"yes father, long have we wished to see you and visit castle krakeburg again" Kamui said to our father

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"yes father, long have we wished to see you and visit castle krakeburg again" Kamui said to our father.

"ya, what he said"I said pointing to Kamui smiling.

"we feel like we're dreaming..." Me and Kamui said in syc.

"it is only thanks to your diligence that you two are here. I am told you two are now warriors almost on par with Xander and Leo, you two finally possess the strength to be an instruments of nohr's power in the world." Father said to us.

"but father. Will they be all right outside of the fortress?" Elise asked worried about me and Kamui.

"i'm worried about this as well. isn't it dangerous for Kamui and (n/n) to live outside the fortress's magical barrier?" Camilla asked giving a worried look.

"we appreciate your concern. but we earned our way here and ready to fight" Kamui said proudly.

"they don't call us the fighter and magical twins for nothing ya know" I said as I high five Kamui

"Kamui, (y/n). as you two know. nohr is at war with the eastern kingdom of hoshido" Father told us.

"yes, father. we've heard as much" I said.

"we of the royal family are descendants of the ancient gods. the first dragons. as inheritors of that divine strength. we conquer those who oppose us with ease. one who learns to wield that power can destroy an entire army of common troops. Xander, Camilla, and Leo have already shown that they possess this power. I expect no less from you two" Father said to us.

Me and Kamui looked at each other then back at father.

"we are aware of your expectation, father" Kamui said I nodded.

"yep!" I said happily.

"and we have trained everyday to become more like our siblings" Kamui said.

"like my bro said" I said pointing and Kamui who smiled

"Hmm... you two show promise. but you two will need a suitable weapon in order to serve nohr" Father said.

before me and Kamui could asked two purple clouds came in front of us and reviled a dark sword and a darker staff and longer then mine.

"wow..." kamui and I said in syc.

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