#16 The Sacrifice

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My eyes adjusted to the pale brown gravel cradling my cheek. I was sprawled across the ground, my hands bound and my mouth gagged with a foul smelling rag. I groggily turned to one side, to witness Arriane in an identical position. She hadn't awoken from her 'nap' just yet.

The soldier to my left caught me staring and kicked me hard in the stomach. I wheezed as he pulled me up onto a cheap plastic chair, then rebound my hands to the back of it. My eyes squinted before the sun and I had an overwhelmingly painful head ache. It was pretty hot weather today, I felt sweaty all over. I craved for a cold refreshing shower.

They didn't bother waiting for Arriane to wake up, she threw the odd tantrum about her delicate skin and the amount of sleep it required to maintain its flawlessness. But after looking at me with my serious expression she immediately shut up. I felt like I had superpowers.

Here we were, the two of us all strapped up, confronting Nestor Silovik, the Russian Ambassador. A group of fifteen soldiers guarded the perimeter, clearly we were about to commence a negotiation, in which we would have no alternate choice but to abide to his suggestion.

China sat on a plastic chair next to Silovik, inspecting her nails with her legs dangling over the side. Not even our suffering entertained her. We were of no existence in within her petty world.

"Well, looks like you two have finally woken up, I wanted to make sure this would be an easy process for both you and me," he began. "Victoria, I'll start with you first. You are 14 years of age, you have been here since when, exactly?" I didn't budge. "I said I was going to make this easy for you, but if you refuse to co-operate, there is the option of taking it out on the person next you." A woman came behind Arriane and positioned a small pistol on her temple. Hey... That was my Makarov!

"Three..." Arriane shuddered. "Two..." The woman turned off the safety switch. "One..."

"2015! We have been here since January 1st, 2015. Put the frickin' pistol down already!" It was hard to spit is all out with the

"Uh uh uh, not so fast. That was just a trial question. Of course I knew the date of your arrival, you silly girl. I've been tracking you two ever since, plus that other blonde one..."


"Yes, yes. Now, tell me, have you formed any alliances with anyone on the island lately? Other than China, of course."

"We never a complete alliance with China, she simply couldn't resist following us everywhere we went, she had (ahem) has no friends,"

"Ok, was there anyone else-"

"No, there was no one." I said too quickly.


"Before you continue Nestor, could I please have my Makarov back? It is very sentimental to me, it would be so dear of you if you could just hand it back,"

"But we were having so much fun! Fine, whatever it is that you want Miss. Sheila!" The woman turned her focus on Silovik.

"Hand back the pistol to this fine little lady, will you? She would very much appreciate it... Without the ammo." The lady grunted as the bullets spilled onto the ground. She then threw the pistol onto my lap.

I couldn't believe that he had actually listened to me. Sure, it was of no use to me now, but I couldn't stand it in the hands of the Sheila woman.

"Now, onto Arriane. Don't be afraid of me, dear, I won't bite." Arriane was shaking like hell in her seat, after all, she'd had a loaded gun touching her temple moments ago. "Have you been visiting the dump with your friends?"

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