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TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS— it was an ancient phrase that went through generations and apparently a general truth, but Elijah couldn't help but ponder and disagree on the statement. The aphorism was correct but not wholly. Time does help you forget, but it would never heal the wounds completely. Scars will remain however that just attested to the verity that he survived and he's living the way he used to only dream about, although he has finally attained it— after four years at least and yet something felt missing and he knew what (or particularly, who) was making him feel empty even with money and fame surrounding him.

It was ridiculous thinking about how transient time is. Memories were evanescent, lost in the essence of short-term happiness in favor of lifelong ones. Even Elijah can admit that he sought a lot of friends in the past, friends so plenty yet temporary that he couldn't recall most of the days he has spent with them. Howbeit, no matter how cliche it sounds, he would never forget the memories he shared with the man he consider the most important person in his life; even with the harsh truth that they were no longer together anymore. Freddie was the sole living being that truly knew him, however cheesy it sounds, nothing and no one will be equal to the greatness and etherealness of Freddie Mercury.

As he stepped down the plane's platform and instantaneously strolled down the airport's baggage reclaim area, his peripheral caught the attention of a small bond paper with his name written on it and he couldn't help but let out a huge grin when the familiar figure spotted him and waved his hand towards him. Ignoring the crowd that lined up behind the barricades, security surrounded him as he grabbed his small luggage and approached the man, taking off the sunglasses that covered his eyes and greeted enthusiastically, "Deaks! I've missed you so much, you look better from the last time I saw you." Elijah winked whilst John Deacon laughed, embracing him tightly to which he reciprocated with his own close-fitting hug. "Welcome back to London, Elijah Phoenix!" John cheekily replied.

Even though it's been three years since Elijah bid his farewell to the band, he never lost contact with its bassist. Calling John to update him of his wellbeing in Japan and Switzerland became a daily habit until they started talking to each other almost everyday, except when he was recording new music with Brian, Roger, and Freddie. He was also able to communicate with Roger and Brian twice in a month or so nonetheless John was the exclusive person who knew about his breakdowns and in return, told him about the band's arguments, Brian being a father hen towards them, Roger having one-night stands with a groupie wherever they performed and how Freddie was slowly but surely recuperating from Elijah's sudden farewell. The latter made Elijah feel guilty yet happy for the man at the same time, he was guilty for leaving the male so suddenly but he was also content with knowing that Freddie was moving on and healing, even if it hurt him hearing about some of Freddie's 'adventures' but he knew he had no right in being angry, they were no longer together anymore and they lost contact after the last kiss they shared. It was the most heart-breaking kiss Elijah experienced, if you asked him.

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