First Flame

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Amani drummed her fingers on her desk, her rings clacking against one another. She sighed, stilling her hands enough to sip her hibiscus tea and savor the final dregs of peace before her students swallowed them up.

When she set her mug down, Amani frowned.

The quartz setting on her ring was missing, sheared from the band. Had it snapped off earlier when she was pinning her hair up and wrapping a headscarf over her curls? Tumbled to the floor?

Amani cast her eyes across the clean tiles, swept her gaze over the low cushions and the jumble of scrolls. Nothing. She blew out a breath through her nose.

No matter. She wouldn't need it today.

As Amani dropped the useless ring into a drawer, Shugri ambled up to her. Trouble. The girl leaned across Amani's desk, her chin resting on her fist. Amani arched an eyebrow.

"Fire today?" Shugri pleaded, eyes bright and eager.

"Now why would you want to learn that?"

"I want to fight djinn, Amani! They're fire, yes? If I can control fire, I can—"

Amani held up a hand, and Shugri skittered to a stop, biting her lip to keep more words from spilling out.

"Water would make more sense, no?"


Amani cut her off again. "One thing at a time, Shugri. You need to learn to focus before we can move on."

"You say that every day! We're going to be stuck staring at walls and—"

Sulayman's Seal, did the girl ever stop?

"Enough. Go take your place."

Shugri muttered under her breath but followed Amani's instructions.

As the other students tramped in, their laughter and gossip charging the air, Amani strode to the front of her class. She caught Shugri staring through the carved screen of the window. Amani knew she must be taking in the graceful arcs of the rooftops, the minarets limned with brassy light, the bazaar crammed with vendors. And beyond the city walls, the open country she dreamed of.

Amani sighed. Shugri slumped, bored gaze wandering to the front of the room.

Amani flicked two fingers at Shugri, beckoning her closer. Shugri squared her shoulders, her chin jutting up, and marched to the front of the room.

"Let me see your hands," Amani said.

Shugri grimaced and splayed her fingers, palms up. Amani rolled her eyes before flipping the girl's hands, so she could see the gems glittering across her knuckles. Amani rarely confiscated novices' rings, but she suspected she also had more patience than most for impertinence.

She slid the raw quartz off Shugri's thumb and slipped it over the first knuckle of her own pinkie.

"Go sit down, Shugri."

The copper caught the rising sunlight, and Amani ran a finger across the stone— she would need it after all.

"Today, we will be learning the principles—" Amani glanced at Shugri; she was staring through the latticework again. "—behind conjuring fire."

Amani snapped, and a flicker of flame jumped in her palm.

"Who can tell me the first rule of summoning?"

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