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Simon: no, you didn't Demi, everyone was worried about you because they love you and plus, you've helped a lot of people just by open up about your struggles and that's totally admirable

Demi: the truth is that I'm just a lightweight, I could break now and start again with the wrong things...I'm a burden to everyone right now and I was too before my overdose that's why Wilmer broke up with me and Nick left my side...Marissa too (I started crying again and suddenly felt his hand caressing my head softly)

Simon: listen umm, I don't know why you think like that but they left you because they didn't know how to help you anymore. You're not a burden Demi, listen...we worked together for two years a long time ago and guess what? You were the only judge I never got tired of...you're one of the best person to work with and to be friends with

Demi: (I smiled slightly) you think so?

Simon: I really do...now, look at me (I looked at him and he smiled before drying my tears softly) you're truly amazing

Demi: thank you Simon...this really means a lot to me (he nodded and I hugged him again smelling his scent. He still smelled the same. Cigarettes, mints and money. I smiled to myself) you still have the same scent

Simon: do I? (I nodded on his shoulder)

Demi: cigarettes, mints and money (he laughed a little)

Simon: I think it might be my cologne

Demi: I don't think so

Simon: really? Smell my jaw and neck (I laughed) do it

Demi: okay, let me see (I put my nose on his neck and started smelling) maybe...I don't know (I continued moving my face until I was smelling his jaw a little too close to his beard) oh God, I think you're right (I whispered and my nose traveled to his ear)

Simon: what the hell are you doing? (I knew he was smiling)

Demi: (i whispered to his ear) smelling you...to recognize you better the next time we meet in some award show (he laughed)

Simon: we are not dogs, Demi

Demi: you said one time that if you had a dog you pulled Demi, do you remember?

Simon: well, I'm not your pig so-

Demi: I never said I was your...dog

Simon: dog or-

Demi: I could never be your bitch (I got away of him and we started laughing)

Simon: you're so silly

Demi: I am but you admire me that way so...whateves

Simon: alright, too shady darling (he smiled at me) what?

Demi: you have something in you neck, it's like...let me see (I got closer to him again and touched his neck) oh, I see (I sat back where I was)

Simon: what is it?

Demi: umm, a smooch (his eyes went wide open and I laughed)

Simon: what? You're joking

Demi: I'm not, I promise...that Lauren is probably a goddess of sex from what I see

Simon: oh Lord

Demi: you can say it to me (he smiled)

Simon: she's good

Demi: actually I don't think she knows how to do a proper smooch

Simon: why?

Demi: cause this one is new and is not gonna be there so much time

Simon: I see you know a lot of this

Demi: I grew experience in the relationship things Simon, I'm 26 years old now...I was 19 when you met me

Simon: okay and tell me...how do I know if it's a good or a bad smooch

Demi: I don't know how to describe it but I just know it...and this isn't one of the goods

Simon: does is shows like...a lot? Or....

Demi: no, I noticed it because its just under your t-shirt neck but not it's not so visible

Simon: okay thanks...is it too big?

Demi: she seems to have a big mouth (I laughed)

Simon: Demi-

Demi: okay okay, no...is like (I touched his neck) from here...(my fingers entered on his t-shirt) to here (he looked up at me but we turned our heads to the door)

Lauren: baby, I'm back hom- what the fuck does this means?

Demi: umm (I stood up and Simon did too)

Simon: Demi came over to hang out just because we wantedvto talk a little about-

Demi: about the show, remember? I was at his show twice a long time ago

Lauren: well, why was she touching you then?

Simon: she was telling me how big it was the smooch that you left in my neck

Lauren: oh really?

Demi: I swear it, I'd never touch such an old man without a big reason to do it (I made a disgusted face and she smiled)

Lauren: oh ummm, okay...I'm gonna (she pointed at her suitcases and we nodded. Two seconds later she disappeared of the living room and I took my bag)

Simon: are you leaving?

Demi: yes, don't worry...I'll be fine by myself, she needs her Valentine's to take care of her...you know (I winked at him and he laughed)

Simon: stop it, brat (we walked to the door) am I really that disgusting? Your face was...wow, so disgusted when you said that things to Lauren

Demi: well, I'm an actress, never forget that

Simon: so, I'm not?

Demi: you're the same for me...like 7 years ago...an old human being (I hugged him and whispered to his ear) but actually, my favorite one (I looked at his face and he smiled)

Simon: I'll message you later today

Demi: don't worry, we'll talk once you finish with the sex goddess (he laughed)

Simon: stop it

Demi: I will...bye

Simon: bye, be safe (I noddes and left his house to return to mine)

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