003. Paul Bunyan

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     "What is it?" Vanya asked, squinting her eyes.  Nova had only been at the Hargreeves house for barely a couple hours, and she'd already participated in a sibling fight, gotten stabbed, and barely had enough time to kiss Diego in between burger bites.

     "Don't get too close!" Allison warned.

     "Yeah, no shit!" Diego yelled, also squinting his eyes.  Nova whimpered, which went unnoticed due to how loud it was outside. 

     "Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly," Luther noted.  "Either that or a miniature black hole.  One of the two."

     "Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan," Diego said, making Nova grin despite all the pain in her leg.

     "Out of the way!" Klaus yelled, pushing through Diego and Luther with a fire extinguisher, and throwing it into the portal. 

     "What are you—" Luther begun.

     "What is that gonna do?" Allison asked.

     "I don't know.  Do you have a better idea?" Klaus asked.  He had a point.

     Loud crackles erupted through the air and the face of an old man became visible.  "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Luther held his arms out for protection.  "Everybody get behind me."

     "I vote for running, c'mon!" Klaus yelled.  Nova yanked Klaus by the arm, pulling him so he was standing behind Nova and she was standing behind Diego.  Klaus tugged at Nova's sleeve, nodding his head.  Nova shook hers, taking Klaus's shaking hand into hers.  The man became smaller and smaller and younger and younger until he came through the portal completely and dropped to the ground.  The sky cleared up and the group cautiously walked over to the boy on the ground.  "Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?" Klaus asked, making Nova's eyes widen.

     "Shit," Five spoke, reading Nova's mind exactly.

     Five sighed.  "What's the date? The exact date."  Nova joined the six siblings at the table in the small kitchen, sitting on the table, touching her torn skin softly.  Diego stood next to her, and Klaus sat crisscrossed on the table, giving everyone in front of him the perfect view of his bits due to wearing Allison's skirt.  

     Diego took Nova's hand into his own, giving her a little look.  "Do you want me to see if we have any alcohol for it or something?" he asked in a low voice, which didn't go unnoticed by Luther or Klaus since they were right there, but she didn't care.  She only shook her head softly, offering a small smile.

Bubblegum Bitch ── Diego HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now