What Corrupted Amya thinks about the signs

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(Corrupted Amya is my OC)

Aries: "They're alright I guess but really short tempered."

Taurus: "They're great to be around but they can be stubborn and obnoxious and that doesn't mix well with my attitude and personality,which is why we always bicker."

Gemini: "Two faced as fuck! They'll be sweet one minute and want to murder me the next! Even though I did nothing wrong! Like WTF?!?"

Cancer: "I never see them...they always avoid me for some reason."

Leo: "A great sparring opponent. I love training with them!"

Virgo: "Hate them. I just get this weird feeling when I'm around them so I stay away."

Libra: "They always steal my kills! So no! Don't mention their name!"

Scorpio: "Best! They always bring me jars with hearts and blood and bags of human body parts! So I love them so much! So don't hurt them!"

Sagittarius: "Is always trying to trip me in the hallways. So I hanged them from the ceiling fan and left them there for three days."

Capricorn: "They're easy I guess. Treat them how you want to be treated right?"

Aquarius: "They're okay aswell. But I wouldn't say I'm that close with them."

Pisces: "Ma baby!!!!" demon voice "DoN't HuRt ThEm!"

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