Prologue: The Evil We Love

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Alicante, Idris

Magnus' fake smile was trying to shine brighter than all the diamonds in the world but his muscles were killing him. He was so angry that Underhill was taking his Alexander Lightwood away from him by convincing Alec's father, Robert, to set up an engagement for him. Underhill said that if Alec was his then Robert would be given access to the Underhill Family money. The news had hurt Magnus so much that he could've taken the deadliest weapon there was and kill Underhill with no hesitation. He tried to remain happy for Alec but Alec was having a hard time coping with this as well. Magnus knew that Alec would do anything to please his father even if it meant giving up his happiness for him.

He was currently leaning against the wooden walls of the dining room where Alec's engagement party was taking place. Servants delivering food, small tables covered with white cloth and guests in their elegant clothing. He would be talking to Alec if he wasn't busy trying to figure out what do. But what was there to do? Bomb the place? No. Poison Underhill? Maybe. Go up to Alec and get him out of here? Yes.

Magnus pushed himself off the wall and walked, with confidence, to his Alexander. He only kept his focus on Alec. He was dressed in a black tux with a white bowtie, his blue eyes were looking angelic as always, and his black hair looking a little out of place but looked adorable on him.

"Alexander?" He asked in the best seductive tone he had.

"Hey Magnus," Alec smiled, Magnus was trying not to faint on the spot.

"It's getting quite stuffy in here, what don't we just take a walk to get some fresh air?" Magnus arched his eyebrow as he asked.

Alec smiled and replied: "Sure, I could get some fresh air."

Magnus locked his arms with Alec and the two walked out into the Lightwood's garden. Alec opened the black gate and let Magnus in. The stone walls were blanketed in vines and red roses that were in full bloom. There was a stone bench that was near the wall and the sat on it as the stars planted throughout the night sky as they kept the moon company. The two men sat down on the bench and as they sat down, Magnus 'accidentally' put his hand on Alec's thigh.

"Sorry," Magnus said and quickly moved his hand away.

"Don't be," Alec replied.

There was an awkward silence and Magnus couldn't help himself but move closer to him. Being near Alec was always comforting to Magnus. If he was close enough to where his breath touched Alec's skin, it would be another level of sensation that would run into his veins.

"It's a nice night," Alec declared.

"It is," Magnus answered back.

But you're much better, Magnus thought. He longed to say the things he wanted to say but he couldn't. Sadly, he wouldn't be allowed to.

"Magnus, are you alright? Do you need something to drink?" Alec asked quickly.

With no thinking, Magnus grabbed Alec by his tux and kissed him. He felt Alec give in so quickly even though the battle had not begun. Magnus moved his hands to cup Alec's cheeks to get him closer. Alec's hands were resting on Magnus' thigh and it was long before Alec started moaning lowly. Magnus was about to move even closer to him but then Alec had pushed him away.

Magnus was confused, Alec was heavily breathing, the two men didn't know what to do.

"What did I just do?" Alec said frighteningly.

"To be honest, I didn't think that you would give in Alexander," Magnus said though he wasn't sure if he was supposed to say that. Heck, he didn't know what to say.

"I wasn't supposed to do that and I did, I don't know why."

"Alec, calm down-"

"What's more confusing is that I liked it, no, I loved it."

Magnus couldn't help stare at Alec as he was huffed out air.

"Confusion is part of it, emotions are never black and white, they're more like symptoms," Magnus explained.

Alec looked back at Magnus, he looked like he was going to pass out.

"Alexander, I kissed you because I can't stand the fact that you're trapped in a relationship with someone who will never love you."

"But I have to marry Underhill, Magnus, it's the only way to please my dad."

"And what will that do? Pleasing your dad will only make you unhappy," Magnus stated. He was furious, he just wanted to slap some sense into Alec but he was holding himself back.

"What can I do, Magnus? There won't be any room for us because I will be stuck with marrying Underhill."

Alec stood up and was about to walk up to the gate. Magnus got up and pulled Alec back before his hand landed on the bar. He then pushed Alec to the wall, their lips were so close that if one of them took one step then they would kiss again.

"Don't leave, I'm already going to lose you, I don't want to lose you now," Magnus said.

"But when the day comes, what will you do?" Alec asked he looked down at the stone floor.

"I'll still love you," Magnus replied. "I may not be allowed to but I'm going to anyway."

"Magnus, I-"

Magnus took his chance to kiss Alec again. It was quick but he still gave all the passion he had into it. He parted his lips from Alec's and let go of him.

"Alexander, I am so in love with you. I always have and I always will."

Alec smiled a little bit and then said: "You think we can figure this out?"

"No," Alec saw his smile drop into sadness until Magnus spoke again. "I know we can."

"The wedding isn't until the summer, we still have time I guess."

"Time is the only thing we have, Alexander."

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