Chapter Four: Devil Take The Hindmost

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"One more, please."

"Don't you think you've had enough, sir?"

Underhill slammed his fist against the bar slide and demanded: "ANOTHER DRINK!"

"Ugh, fine, I'll give you one."

Underhill looked down at his empty glass for a while. Cursive font wrote, PANDEMONIUM, in front of it. The door then opened and the bartender spoke in a happy tone.

"Hey Magnus, how you've been?"

Magnus. Where had he heard that name before?

"I've been good."

"Do you mind if I leave for tonight? I got to get back to my wife, I bet she's terrified out of her sweet mind right now just wondering where I am."

"Sure, go on ahead."

"Thanks, Magnus, you're the best."

"It's no problem, say hi to her for me."

"I will, night."


The bartender exited the building and this Magnus approached him.


He looked up and it was Magnus. His hair was combed up nicely, he was dressed in a white shirt with a black vest, tie, and pants.

"Magnus, I never thought I would see you here."

"Surprise, then."

Magnus poured Underhill a drink in a new glass and handed it to him.

"On the house."

"Pare the pleasantries, Magnus."


"Don't you think I know that you took my fiancee away from me?"

Magnus sighed and spoke: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I know you're little tricks, Magnus, I'm not going to let that stop me."

"So let's say that I am having an affair with Alexander, then what? You have no proof of me doing it."

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid to go to the ends of the earth if it means that I will destroy you."

"How can you destroy me when you're drunk late in the night?"

Underhill punched Magnus in the eye and he was knocked down to the ground. He started walking to the door until Magnus pulled him back. Magnus shoved Underhill to the stool and held both of his wrists tight.

"Look at you, stinking drunk, pitiful."

"Let me go!"

"You need to calm down, Underhill, you're going to make this worse for yourself."

"Shut up you wench!"

"I'm just saying Underhill, if you don't make yourself this toxic then everything you touch will burn."

Magnus let Underhill go and walked to the door. He opened it and looked back at him for one last time.

"Devil take the hindmost."

Magnus exited the room and closed the door. Underhill was left staring at his glass.

(A/N: Short chapter but wanted to get this out. Hopefully, the next one will be a little longer.)

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