Chapter One-Goddess, Queen

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*Percy's POV*

Running. Ugh. How long have I been running? My small hands shove people out of the way the best I can but I'm mostly just twisting and turning through the crowds. Still, I can almost feel his hands still on me. Reaching towards me, grabbing my shirt, pulling me back into his bruising hands. Suddenly, I run straight into someone and fall back on my butt.

"Christ, kid." A tall man curses and looks down at me with bright blue eyes that widen when he sees the look of pure fear on my face. "You alright?" He offers me his gloved hand and I search his face. He's familiar. The news. I've seen him on tv with the Avengers. I grab onto his offered hand with both of mine.

"Please, help me." My fingers squeeze his hand and wrist, refusing to let him go. "I'm being chased. Please, you've gotta help me." I beg and he instantly scans the crowd for threats.

"Tell me what's going on, kid. Where are your parents?" He asks and pulls me out of the crowd and to the side of the sidewalk, now holding as tightly to my hand as I am to him. He crouches in front of me so he's about my height and immediately less threatening.

"I don't have any parents. This guy took me and now he's chasing me." I explain shortly, making sure my back is facing the crowd so if he comes along he can't see my face. The man's brows furrow and he looks conflicted.

"What's this guy doin' to you, huh?" His voice loses a bit of its firmness in exchange for concern. Shakily, I take a deep breath.

"He's...he beats me," I tell him with steel in my voice. My hand drops his to roll up my long, olive sleeves to show him the bruises that look just like fingerprints dotting my arms. His jaw clenches and I shudder.

"Alright. Alright." He sighs and takes my hand again. "What's your name, kiddo?"

"Persephone. Percy." I tell him and he nods.

"Okay, Percy. My name is Bucky. I'm friends with someone who can help, but you're gonna have to come with me. Are you alright with that?" He asks and I nod vigorously.

"Yes." I agree. Bucky stands and takes a breath. His jaw clenches and unclenches as he scans the crowd, then turns back to me.

"I don't want to lose you, so I'm going to put you on my shoulders. Okay?" He asks and I hesitate.

"I'm a little big for that. I'm nine." I tell him and an almost smirk crosses his lips.

"I can handle it. Unless you're uncomfortable." He says and waits for my answer. I press my lips together and nod. Easily, Bucky scoops me up and puts me on his shoulders. His hands are firm, but gentle on my ankles while I do my best to not smother him with my thighs or pull his hair. "You okay?" He asks and I just manage to hear him.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumble, basically embracing his head.

"Tell if you see him, alright, kid?" Bucky tells me and I hum the affirmative. We're heading in the opposite direction anyway and Bucky is a good disguise.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I begin to relax a little. Bucky's shoulders lift and fall when he sighs.

"My bike is a block away, then I'm taking you to the Avengers facility upstate. They should be able to figure something out since I'm essentially...kidnapping a minor..." He curses quietly and shakes his head but doesn't stop.

"You'll stay with me, right?" I ask and loosen my suddenly tight grip on his hair. "Sorry." I apologize.

We turn a corner and now I can see a black motorcycle beside a parking meter with no sign of any helmets on board. "If...if you want me to. Sure, I'll stay with you." He sounds a bit apprehensive, but the words reassure me anyways. "Now," he swings me off his shoulders and sets me on my feet in front of him. "you ever ride one of these before?" Bucky asks with a slight grin. I shake my head. He nods as if he expected this. "It's easy. All you gotta do is copy whatever I'm doing and we'll be there within the hour. Okay?"

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