Chapter Eight-Last Day at Court

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Chapter Eight

Last Day at Court

*Percy's POV*

When I get up in the morning it's because of Bucky's soft prodding. Drowsily, I lift my head from his chest and blink up at him. He smiles softly. "Sorry, kid. Gotta go to court today." He greets me as we walk to the bathroom. He sets me on my feet and crouches in front of me. "Come on, Perce. Brush your teeth and get dressed. Set you out a blue...whatever this is."

"Romper." Steve corrects over his shoulder as he cracks his neck.

"Do we have to go?" I ask unhappily. "I don't like court." Both men smirk at that.

"Nobody likes court, but we have to go. Maybe Tony'll get us some ice cream after, huh?" I perk up a little at that. Haven't had ice cream in forever. "Gotta get dressed and brush your teeth for that to happen though." I sigh and use the little step stool to brush my teeth, then put on the romper while Steve and Bucky wait in my room. I walk out and am immediately scooped up by Bucky. "Thanks, Percy. Did you brush your hair too?" I frown and put my head on his shoulder.

"You didn't say to." I point out and he chuckles.

"Guess we can go without today. Wanna get some food in you." He tickles my stomach and I burst out laughing as we enter the gathering room.

"Bucky! Stop!" I object with another giggle. He does with a playful grin and sets me on our favorite stool. He busies himself with making a cup of coffee. Steve heads to the fridge and ducks his hand in to grab the orange juice.

"You like orange juice, Persephone?" He asks and I nod.

"I don't like the little bits in it though." My nose scrunches and Steve smiles.

"Same here." He pours us both little cups and hands one to me as Natasha comes in.

"Thanks, Steve," I tell him and take a drowsy sip before smiling at Natasha. Her lips curve up and one of her eyebrows raises.

"Keep her up waiting, Barnes?" She accuses and immediately starts brushing out my curls with gentle fingers. Bucky sighs as he gets out a pan and some eggs.

"I did." He looks apologetically at me before his eyes steel. "Won't happen again." She nods once. "How you like your eggs, Percy?" Bucky asks.

"Scrambled, please." I request, happy thinking about the fluffy yellow things. He spins the spatula in his hands and winks at me.

"You got it."

"Oh, god. Is Barnes cooking now? Taking the domesticity a bit far." Tony jokes as soon as he walks in. "How are you, sweetheart?" He asks me directly and pecks my cheek. Since my hair is now brushed, Natasha sits on the stool beside me and also seems curious as to what my answer will be.

"I'm happy. Bucky said he was sorry and that we're gonna stay together." The room is heavy with a strange weight as everyone turns to Bucky. He stands tall and nods.

"I...I got an apartment so we can have a place away from all this. A home that can be normal." Bucky tells them with determination just before he puts a plate of eggs and a fork in front of me. The room is quiet for a moment.

"Finally, a straight answer. We're all shopping later. I'm getting our girl the best of the best. No offense, fourth of a tinman, but I think you have shit taste." Suddenly the weight is gone at Tony's tease and I start eating my eggs contentedly.

"Hopefully we're allowed to visit?" Natasha asks and shares a meaningful look with Bucky. I nod at Bucky with cheeks full of egg.

"Course, you can. Discreetly." Bucky specifies.

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