Chapter 32-Before the party

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Waking up in my dorm room to my internal alarm, I  stretched and got ready for the day.  Deciding that I should eat with the ghosts again today as to not accidentally give anything away, I headed for the GEH, talking with Sir Nightwing as we left.  As it turns out he is my House's ghost and had been meaning to tell me to watch out for the portraits (something I had already figured out-I mean come on, they are everywhere, like a huge information network right under most people's noses).  

After a nice breakfast I left for my first class today Charms.  Professor Flitwick had me already learning stuff that wasn't in my 1st year book because everything was so easy for me (well I did have Merlin's help) After demonstrating how to do the Arresto Momentum, spell which is supposed to slow the movement of an object, by having me throw a book at him (I was hesitant to).  After that we spend about 25 minutes perfecting my use of the spell (I could now do it at the drop of a dime- like most of the spells I now know). We reviewed all the other charms that we have covered and then I got the last twenty minutes remaining to do homework and study.

After that I had astronomy (my favorite subject)  with Professor Sinistra, but I call her Aurora, as we get along quite well.  I have already mastered the first three years of her class, as I wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up and I find all things about space exciting.

Then was lunch, in which I ate with the ghosts again before heading for Transfiguration. In which we covered the Avifors Spell, which turns objects into birds.  After getting the incantation right (AH-vi-fors) and the wand motion (a simple flick of the wrist).   My stone that I transformed into a bird was a nightengale, then a dove.

After Transfiguration class I had History of Magic, in which I just reread the chapters that he was covering in class and worked on my homework.

After that all I had left was Herbology in which Professor Sprout taught about Moly flowers and how to properly pick them and their uses in both in potions and daily life.  After class I asked her for some flowers for my dorm (I needed a reason to ask her where to find some nice flowers) and she provided me with enough flowers for a large bouquet.  Thanking her I left and turned the flowers invisible as I went down to the ballroom, the party was set to begin in 2 hours. 

Using a duplicating spell, I made enough flowers to put in all the vases, after seting up the tables with covers and setting the tables and drawing the correct runes on the roof to make it shine and go through the period of a day  in an hour (I had Merlin's help creating it) before realizing that I still needed to get dressed.  Checking with my internal clock I realized that the first guests would probably be arriving in about 5 minutes!  Rushing off to the CNG door, I ran inside and was greeted with 5 different options to wear.  Going with the white and black dress robes with a simple black and silver tie, a white rose and a brooch I had provided everyone with (it was black with a silver emblem on it).  I rushed off to get to the ballroom first, before any of my guests arrive.

Arriving with just a minute to spare, I set the music to start (magic intruments), thanked the elves for setting out the food for us, and stood by the door ready to receive my first guest.

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