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//Dedicated to Tala, my homie for llife, for the trailer to the side! Love it <3 //




A few weeks later

Like every other night, my whole body waited in anticipation for the right time. For my parents to be fast asleep, their minds sank deep in their dreams, for every judgemental person to be gone, for society resting. I held my cover up to my nose, my eyes blinking up at my dark ceiling. I had my headphones in, Tee Shirt by Birdy humming in my ears. But it was down on a low volume, leaving my ears still clear to hear everything.

I waited for the long, tiring routine; my mother coming out her room, going to the bathroom and then finally locking herself up in her room.


I know


'cause I'd spend half this morning


thinking about the tee shirt you sleep in.

I threw the covers off myself and jumped out of bed. I made it to the window in a matter of milliseconds and quickly opened the drapes. I smiled when I saw Jon sitting at his window, busy on his phone but anyone could tell he was waiting for something.

"Hey!" I whispered in quiet voice over to him and he quickly snapped his head towards me, a soft lazy smile crawling onto his face. His hair was pulled back with a small headband and it did nothing but emphasize his sheer beauty.

I watched him put his phone down and drop both hands on the window sill. He leaned out, a smirk across his face, "you coming any time soon?" He teased, a playful glint shimmering in his eyes.

I held up my finger, as a 'one second' gesture and pivoted around to my room. I ran to the pillows stashed in the corner of my room and threw it on my bed, making quick work of my usual disguise. When I was done and the bed looked like someone was in it, I went back to the window.

A moment later, I was right in the middle of Jon's room and in his arms. Jon placed his cheeks on my head and I could hear his soft inhale.

"Why are you smelling me?" I asked him, chuckling around my words.

Jon leaned back from me. His milky chocolate eyes stared down at me intensely and I almost shivered under his gaze. "Got to tell you something."

I blinked up at him, confusing coursing through me. "Tell me what?"

Jon rolled his head around slowly. "Just something."

I raised one eyebrow at him. "Just something?"

"Yeah, it's like, a something to tell."

"A something to tell?" I repeated after him, not having a ounce of a clue what he was getting at. When he didn't say something afterwards, I slowly pulled away from his arms, only to put my hands on my hips.

"Jon, tell me." I demanded, worried at the unknown something he had to tell.

He lifted up his hands, his fingers running through his wavy hair. He only left it tousled and I ached to run my own hands through it, to feel the softness of it again.

"You have to promise you're not going to freak out."

I frowned at him, my forehead creasing up. "Jon, you're really not doing yourself any favours by dragging this out. Just tell me."

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