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High School. Jasper mentally sighs glancing around slowly, Alice, his sister, and best friend, at his side, she squeezes his arm as they make their way to the shared table across the cafeteria, Edward and Bella already sitting, just away from the main group, Mike, Angela, Jessica and Eric sitting clustered at one end, talking animatedly to one another, Jasper ignores them, blocks out the voices. This is their first day back after their time away, removing themselves to Alaska after Jasper almost killed Edward's human girlfriend, Jasper himself is still recovering, the usual self-pity, self-deprecating thought swirling around in his head, he tries to not think them for the sake of Edward, knowing his brother could hear him thinking just makes it a little awkward, less so then when they first met but still......Alice pulls out her chair and sits, Jasper follows, silently, he's rather happy to keep to himself for the last year of high school. Jasper tries to ignore the pulses of emotions against him, like waves crashing into the shore, there is an overwhelming feeling of excitement in the air, lust and jealousy are there as well, last time he felt that mix, in the same levels was Bella's first day....he glances to Edward who nods minutely, just enough for him and Alice to notice. He tunes back into the conversation at the table.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff...." Mike starts. "Twins" he smirks. Eric nods.

"I met them earlier, he's nice enough, she's quiet" Eric shrugs. "She's got these freaky eyes"

"How so?" Angela asks, tilting her head to the side.

"They're red" Alice, Edward and Jasper share a small alarmed look. "I think she's wearing contacts" Eric shrugs. "Like a fashion thing...I don't know, is that something girls do?" Angela smiles at her boyfriend as Mike laughs.

"What about him? What does he look like?" Eric shrugs then nods across the room.

"Look for yourself...." the table all turns, including the three vampires to look in that direction. Tall, skinny but still sort of muscular, black jeans, trainers and a blue t-shirt, and a mess of white/silver hair on his head....but his eyes, almost neon blue, seem....unnatural.

"He's cute" Jessica states rather dreamily. He turns and lifts his arm as a smaller female steps to his side, his arm dropping around her shoulder. Her hair is long, dark, maybe brown in the right light, she's wearing a black dress that cuts off just above the knee and a red leather jacket over the top, but Jasper is staring at her eyes, a bright red peering out around the room. Alice inhales sharply at Jasper's side and he turns his attention to his sister, she is staring at the male twin. Jasper looks to Edward who shrugs back. "Should we invite them over?" Jessica asks looking around the table.

"Sure" Angela shrugs as she answers. "They probably don't know anyone else" Angela and Jessica are both practically drooling over Pietro. Bella smirks around her can of cola, she shares a look with Edward who rolls his eyes. Eric stands.

"Pietro!" the blonde turns to look at the table, Eric waves him over, Pietro nods and takes Wanda's hand in his and pulls her towards the group.

"It's a weird name...Pietro" Jessica mumbles.

"It's Sokovian" Pietro states pulling out a seat for Wanda. She sits slowly and he takes a seat at her side. "Hello" he greets the table with a smirk. "I'm Pietro....this is my sister...Wanda"

"They already know that" Wanda states with a sigh. Jasper glances to her out the corner of his eye, those eyes are still unnerving but from here he can hear her heart beating and the blood flowing through her veins, he's then kicked in the leg, he glances to Edward and glares, Edward raises an eyebrow.

"Sokovian...?" Mike frowns. "Never heard of it"

"Sokovia" Angela corrects. "It's between Slovakia and the Czech Republic" she looks to the twins. doubtful. "Right?" Wanda smiles and nods.

"Right...It's nowhere special" Wanda shrugs and reaches for a fry on Pietro's tray.

"So what brings you both all the way from Sokovia....to Forks?" Wanda shrugs but Pietro answers.

"Someone dropped a bomb on our house" Wanda chokes on her fry and shoots Pietro a look. "What?"

"You can't just say 'someone dropped a bomb on our house'" She points out.

"But someone did drop a bomb on our house" he states, she sighs and rubs her head. Jasper smirks a little, it's kind of amusing watching them, listening to them, he glances to Wanda as she and Pietro seem to have a sort of eye conversation, but from Edward's frown it is more than that. Alice at Jasper's side gives Edward a look and he motions with his hand that they will talk about it later. Jasper keeps glancing at Wanda as she eats, ticking vampire off the list of possibles even with those eyes they can't stomach human food....not in the quantities she is eating, not to mention the quantity he is putting away. Jessica is practically drooling over him and Jasper can feel the waves of lust rolling off of her, he wrinkles his nose and blocks that wave out, he searches for the twins instead, curious, he almost gasps feeling Pietro's emotions, they are flickering, fast, changing instant to instant, like his body can't decide how is feeling, more like a cyclone than a wave, whirling, all different, fighting for space, for dominance, it's dizzying..Jasper grabs for Alice's hand and she squeezes to comfort him as he pushes those feelings away from him, blocking them and moves onto Wanda...her emotions are....more....mist like...creeping, enveloping, like they are wrapping around his own emotions one by one, plucking at them, removing the negative, he glances to Wanda who turns her head to look at him, she smiles and looks away to her brother.

"I have a question" Mike leans forward looking at Wanda, she raises an eyebrow. "Your eyes" she smirks.

"We lived near a chemical plant" Wanda explains. "It leaked into the ground....into our water supply....it affected the whole town differently.....Pietro's hair....my eyes" Jasper could smell the lie a mile off, he didn't need his brothers mind reading skills to tell.

"I used to be a brunette" Pietro states pointing to his hair.

"So...are you guys like......radioactive?" Jessica asks moving away from the twins.

"No" Pietro answers. "We are not contagious" Wanda rolls her eyes. Jasper smirks, and so does his siblings.

"I doubt they would have been allowed to fly if they were" Edward points out. Pietro points to Edward and smirks.


"You're an idiot" Wanda mumbles.

"Be positive" Pietro teases wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Oh I am" Wanda teases back, Pietro laughs and the others join in, it's almost contagious, Jasper is even smiling. Edward raises an eyebrow at him and he shrugs back.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now