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Pietro follows Wanda into the house, setting the keys down on the side before looking to her.

"What's with you and that Jasper?" Pietro asks as Wanda sets her bag down on the kitchen counter.

"What?" she asks looking to her brother.

"In art class...you were laughing" She raises an eyebrow at him.

"So? Am I not allowed to laugh?" he sighs and pulls off his jacket.

"That is not it.....it's.." he sighs again. "I've never heard you laugh like that"

"Like what?" Pietro turns back to her and gives her a smile.

"Carefree" she shrugs and takes her books from her bag.

"There is something about him....." she tilts her head to the side. "His emotions feel different to the others"

"How so?"

"They are smoother...." Pietro furrows his brow and shakes his head, not understanding. "Everyone else feels sharp, jagged, pointy, like a knife but Jasper.....his emotions are....smooth, soft..." she cocks her head. "Like walking through feathers" Pietro smirks. "What about you and Alice?"

"What about Alice?"

"I saw you wink at her" Wanda smirks. "And you watch her when you think we can't see" Pietro blushes and rubs the back of his neck.

"So what? I like her...." he shrugs. "She's sweet....a little weird but" he smirks at his sister. "I've got plenty of practice at weird with you" she rolls her eyes and throws out her hand, he screams as she pulls his legs out from under him with her powers. She smirks and heads up the stairs. "Wanda!" she laughs and disappears into her room.


Wanda changes into a pair of black shorts and a black vest before she grabs her English Lit book, Romeo and Juliet, she curls around her comforter on the bed as she opens the book.

"These violent delights have violent ends...... And in their triumph die, like fire and powder.." she reads aloud to herself.


Jasper sits under her window, listening, he'd heard the whole thing about emotions....he thought he was the only one, the only one capable of pathokinesis, that's how she calmed him down, that's why everyone else's emotions swirl towards her, cause she's reaching for them, maybe not completely consciously but still.....he smiles, he's not alone.....he could have someone to talk to it about.....someone who understands.

"... Which, as they kiss, consume..." he tilts his head up to the window as she reads. Just her voice is enough to make him feel better, maybe she can control emotions that way.....but then she can't know he is there so that would make no sense as to why she would be trying to control emotions. "...The sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness...Pietro" Jasper hears a weird whoosh sound and then can feel the other twin above him.


"Read to me" she whines and he can hear the smirk.

"So high maintenance" Pietro teases, Jasper smirks.

"My head hurts"


"Trying to understand old English when modern English isn't even my native language"

"I know" Jasper smirks a little, light bulb moment, he stands and straightens his jacket. "Where were you?.......And in the taste confounds the appetite....Therefore love moderately" Jasper walks away silently into the trees.


Jasper enters Carlisle's office and the man himself looks up from his computer.


"Do you know where I could get a Sokovian version of Romeo and Juliet?" Carlisle raises an eyebrow as Edward enters and looks to Jasper.

"She's a pathokinetic?" he asks Jasper who nods. "So when Alice said Wanda seemed to calm you....?"

"It's because she did....but I think she needs to touch someone to change their emotions, it wasn't till she touched me that I felt myself calming down" Carlisle looks between them.

"This is the girl you told us about, with the red eyes?" Edward nods.

"Alice is convinced she and her brother are an important part of our lives" Jasper states.

"And she is who the Sokovian Romeo and Juliet is for?" Carlisle asks with a smirk, Jasper rubs the back of his neck and looks away, Edward smirks.

"Do you know where I can find one or not?" Carlisle smiles.

"I can certainly look into it.....but Sokovia is a very small country, I doubt any book company would see it worth putting to print in Sokovian" Carlisle moves to his computer. "It's why most Sokovians have English as their second language" he glances to Jasper. "What is she like?"

"Smart....but she doesn't like to show it off" Jasper smiles. "She can draw too" he smirks. "Her stick people are pretty impressive" Edward smirks as Carlisle raises an eyebrow. "Nevermind" he grumbles.

"Right, you can order a copy of Romeo I Julija....." Jasper moves to look over Carlisle's shoulder.

"Do you know much about Sokovia?" He asks. Carlisle shakes his head.

"It's a very very small country, you could probably walk from Slovakia to the Czech Republic through Sokovia in a day and have time to stop for lunch..." Carlisle sighs. "Not that you would want to" Jasper raises an eyebrow. "The last twenty years the country's been in a sort of civil war.......the people against the government" Carlisle opens a few web pages, pictures of the country, maps, news clipping of riots and demonstrations.

"There," Jasper stops Carlisle's hand. "The twins" he points to Wanda and Pietro on screen. Edward moves to look as well.

"Well...." Carlisle states. "She's beautiful" Jasper nods, agreeing. "Wanda, right?" he nods again. "And her brother..."

"Pietro" Alice states walking into the room.

"Why are they rioting?" Edward asks.

"It's a thrid world country...." Carlisle explains. "They are starving, cold, sick....and no one is helping them" Jasper looks to the screen sadly. "They were anyway.....when the bombs started dropping the UN managed to get most of the civilians out" he reads from the screen. "Ah...here" he opens another screen. "Two days after a bomb drop, twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are pulled alive from the rubble of their Novi Grad home....my god.....it was an unexploded bomb that hit their home.....they waited two days for it to explode....for it to kill them" Carlisle covers his mouth in shock. "Those poor kids" Alice and Jasper share a look, he wraps his arm around Alice and kisses her head.

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now