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Jasper pulls himself up into Wanda's window and looks over her sleeping form, she's beautiful, peaceful without that small crease between her eyes that she usually has during the day, he reaches down and pulls her blanket more secure around her. He crouches and brushes her hair from her face. She groans and turns her face towards his hand.

"Jasper?" she asks a little peeking up at him.

"Hey" he smiles back at her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you are alright, after before...." she looks away.

"Oh" she pulls her blanket over herself, Jasper sighs and little and taps her shoulder till she looks at him.

"You're anxious and scared...and you don't have to be...." she raises an eyebrow. "I borrowed something from you...." she frowns and looks around, her eyes landing on the empty space where her disc should be sat, she looks back to Jasper. "I know...everything" he brushes a thumb over her cheek. "You're unique"

"I'm a freak" he shakes his head and smiles warmly at her.

"You are beautiful, smart, funny, gifted.....Unique" she stares at him before smiling.

"You really mean all that" she states softly. He nods, it wasn't a question he knows, she could feel how honest he was being.

"Will you show me?" he holds out his hand to her and she raises her own, the red mist curling around her fingers to create a small ball of red energy, she bounces it from finger to finger before flicking it softly into his hand. She then hovers her hand over his and the ball of light, small wisps jump from the ball to her hand and to the tips of his fingers, she smiles.

"Do you feel that?" he nods and smiles at her, the little pinpricks of energy pulsing at the tips of his fingers.

"What happens if I do this....?" he asks closing the distance between their hands, squashing the energy between their hands so he can thread his fingers with hers.

"Nothing" she mumbles with a smile. The energy ball evaporating into mist and curling around their hands. "Do...do you know about Pietro?" Jasper nods.

"He's fast" she smirks and turns their hands around.

"Not just fast" she looks up at him, her eyes almost glowing in the dark, Jasper smirks down at her.

"So am I" she shakes her head.

"Not like him....." she smiles a little and shakes her head.

"We can talk about this tomorrow," he tells her, she nods and lays back in her blankets, Jasper stands and starts back to the window, it slams shut with a burst of red mist, he smirks and looks back at her, she smirks back from beneath her blanket.

"Stay" she states, he smiles and nods as she shuffles to make space for him. He crawls in beside her and she smiles. He tries to keep his distance so she will not get cold, he knows how chilly his skin can be, Edward has the same issue with Bella. "Why are you nervous?" she asks. "Concerned?" she frowns.

"I just...." he reaches over and touches her cheek, she smiles and leans into his hand. "Do you not feel that?"

"Feel what? That you are cold? I noticed it the other day....it doesn't bother me....I've slept on the streets in the middle of winter, Jasper...." he smiles sadly at her. "You are not cold to me" she grabs his shirt and pulls herself closer to him, her head on his chest, Jasper is unsure what to do with his hands, she smirks and pulls his sleeve till his arm rests around her. "Thank you" he frowns and looks down at her.

"What for?"

"Not running away" she mumbles against his chest, he smiles and plays with her hair, she snuggles into him as she falls asleep.


Wanda wakes alone, and though a little disappointed she can't exactly expect him to stay, she stretches, her finger catching paper, she pulls the small slip of paper to her and smiles. 'See you at School...Jasper' Wanda sets it on the side and gets up walking to her wardrobe.


Pietro hands over a coffee mug as Wanda enters the kitchen.

"Thank you" he kisses her head as he takes his own, Wanda fiddles with the handle of the mug before looking to her brother. "Jasper knows"

"Jasper knows what?" he asks looking to her. "No" he sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. "How?"

"The disc...." Pietro groans and sits down. "He caught me watching it...."

"Wait, what?"

"He snuck into the house" she whispers, Pietro gives her a look.

"We need to leave," he tells her.

"No we don't," she tells him back, he raises an eyebrow. "He didn't freak out...." she smiles. "He stayed with me" Pietro crouches and takes her hand. "He's like me......kind of.....the pathokenetic side...he's one too" she looks to Pietro. "I really like him, Pietro and I know you really like Alice....this is the first time somewhere has felt like home....since....since before this...." she holds up her hand and the mist twirls around her fingers. "And I think it is because of them...." Pietro paces, every now and then the blue blur following him as he loses a little bit of control. She stands and moves to him, to stop him. "Pietro"

"Are you sure?" he strokes her hair. "I do not wish to see you locked away again" she shakes her head and wraps her arms around him.

"No, I am not sure.....but......it could be worth it" he cups her cheek and kisses her forehead.

"You really like him, huh?" she nods and he sighs. "First sign of trouble, of him hurting you, of anything hurting you....we leave" she nods.

"We leave" he smiles and hugs her.


Wanda smiles as Jasper opens her car door, Pietro climbing out the other side and waves at Alice as she approaches, Pietro glances to Jasper and glares at him before walking away, Jasper sighs.

"He doesn't like me very much does he?"

"Not right now" Wanda answers softly. "He'll come round" she reaches for his hand, he smiles threading his fingers with hers. "Just...give him time" Jasper nods before they walk after Pietro and Alice, Alice glancing back to wave at Wanda, who smiles and waves forward. Jasper smirks and leans closer to Wanda.

"She likes you"

"She does?" Wanda looks up at Jasper who smiles warmly at her, then he and Alice share a look.


"Yes," he looks to her.

"After school, do you mind if Alice and I talk to you both?" she shakes her head but looks worried, he raises their joint hands to his chest. "Don't worry" he pushes out at her emotions, wrapping around her negative feelings and smoothing them away. "It's something we are trusting you both with....like you trusted me with your.....secret" she nods and smiles a little. 

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now