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Jasper runs his hand down Wanda's back as she sleeps, he's worried, still, and there is nothing she can say to him to stop that. He will always worry about her. Pietro walks into the room and smirks.

"No mind me," he tells Jasper who pulls the blanket over Wanda. Pietro leans against her desk and bites into an apple. "She really loves you, you know?" Jasper smiles.

"I know...." 

"And you are worried for her.....and she is worried about you" Pietro states. "So much worry..." he smiles at Jasper. "Wanda is a weapon, Jaz....I've seen her tear men in two with her mind......trust me, she will be fine" Pietro bites into his apple. "Don't smother her....she hates that" he leaves the room with a smile. Jasper turns back to Wanda and brushes her hair back.

"I love you," he tells her, and then kisses her forehead.


Jasper knocks on Alice's bedroom door and walks in, Alice sits reading in her chair by the window, she glances to him.

"Can you and Pietro...make yourselves....scarce tonight?" Alice smirks.

"We could...why?"

"I'm cooking for Wanda..."

"Cooking? How human of you" she teases.

"It's the last night...before....just we might..." Alice smiles warmly at him.

"I know," she tells him and stands. "It's okay...Pietro booked us a hotel room for the night....he wanted it to be special as well...he thought you and Wanda might want the house" Jasper smiles. 

"Remind me to thank him" Alice nods and hugs her best friend.

"They'll be okay, Jaz" he hugs her back.

"Premonition?" Jasper asks.

"No...my gut" Alice answers. "They've lived this long......" Jasper kisses her head.

"Doesn't stop the worry" Alice chuckles weakly.

"No, it doesn't" Alice pulls back. "I'll grab Wanda...I'll take her out for a light lunch and then I'll get her all dressed up" Jasper smiles. "You two just...enjoy this night"

"Only if you do," Jasper tells her. "After all this time...."

"Yeah....and then a vampire army turns up on our doorstep" Jasper laughs and nods.

"Our luck"

"Oh definitely"


Pietro smirks as Jasper reaches his side, Pietro looks to him then back to his wardrobe.

"What are you trying to do?" Jasper asks.

"Picking the jacket I'll wear when we go into glorious battle" he teases, Jasper rolls his eyes. "You are so tense about this" Pietro teases.

"Yes, because you and Wanda are not tense enough"

"We will worry the hour before," Pietro tells him. "Why waste the time before on it? When I am with Alice I want to be with Alice not in battle..." Jasper smiles.

"Wise words..."

"It was bound to happen eventually" Pietro looks to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to ask you something" Pietro gasps dramatically and touches his chest.

"Are you going to propose to me?" Jasper rolls his eyes.

"No....not to you" Pietro's eyes widen and then he smiles.

"Oh...Wanda" Pietro takes Pietro's hand. "You are going to propose to Wanda...." Jasper smiles and nods. "Oh, that is.."

"You're happy then?" Jasper asks.

"What? Of course I am, oh you are asking for my permission?"

"Well, yeah..."

"You have it, Jaz...I already think of you as my brother" Jasper smiles at him, the two of them clasping hands. Jasper nods.

"Thank you" Pietro turns back to his wardrobe. 

"When are you going to ask her?"

"Tonight, at dinner...hopefully I can keep it from her"

"Yes, it is very difficult to keep things from Wanda....but she tries not to read minds all the time"

"I know.....I am very grateful otherwise we'd never get out of bed" Pietro turns to Jasper.

"You may be my future brother but I do not want to hear that"

"Sorry" Jasper apologizes with a smirk. "And the grey jacket" Pietro looks to the wardrobe and smiles taking the jacket.

"Do you have a ring?" Pietro asks, Jasper nods.

"My mothers actually"

"Vintage. She'll like that. Wanda loves anything old" Pietro glances to Jasper. "Obviously" Jasper rolls his eyes.

"You're one to talk" he teases back, they share a smile.


Wanda looks to Alice in the mirror as the small vampire brushes her hair.

"Is there a reason for the makeover?" Wanda asks.

"Not really" Alice answers, Wanda raises an eyebrow at her.

"Alright" Wanda looks back to the mirror.

"Alright...Jasper's cooking you dinner" Alice tells her, Wanda smirks. "And I wanted you to look nice....so...I picked out a dress..and shoes...and"

"I'll love it, Alice" Alice smiles and hugs Wanda.

"Yes, you will" they both chuckle.


Jasper sets a fork right on the table as the door goes, he smiles and turns to look to Wanda, before his jaw pretty much drops to the floor and beyond, she smiles back and adjusts the bottom of her dress.

"Wow.....Wanda" he smiles wider at her, walking to her. "You look....incredible"

"Alice chose the dress"

"It looks great," Jasper tells her leaning down to kiss her, she smiles and kisses him back. Pulling back he strokes her side. "I attempted...dinner" she smiles.

"I'm sure it's great" he takes her hand and leads her to the table. "Ooo candles and everything" she teases, Jasper smirks.

"Yes, well...." they share a sad look, he kisses her again. "I love you so much" she nods

"I love you too"

He's Fast; She's Weird (J. Hale)Where stories live. Discover now