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It was another three months gone and Damien had yet to hear anything about the shewolf. Mating season had been longer this year than previous years, and once it finally ended, things were more peaceful for everyone. After the mating seaon had ended his wolves were able to gain more freedom, and he allowed them to venture into town more often, as long as they kept cellphones on them for contacting him if necessary.

Now that business was taking off to a point he hadn't estimated, Damien was due to make arrangements with the Alphas in Iowa and Maine in the coming weeks.

In the next week, he'd host the Iowa alpha for a trade agreement on grain and lumber, and potential wolves, his pack was larger than Damien's by a near ten fold, and now that his pack had so much territory he could welcome more into it.

The week following that, he invited the Maine alpha for agreements upon imports of seafood and exports of his lumber. Time would tell the effectiveness of his upcoming agreements.

He needed a good run, he hadn't had one in a few weeks with his business taking off like it has. Damien put Jerod in charge as he left to head back to their land, once there he relished in the feeling of the earth beneath his paws and the scents that passed through his nose.

He took off at a quick pace, nowhere specific in mind as to where he was headed, he let his primal side take over and his human side took a backseat. Within the hour he was out of his territory.

He was on high alert.

Damien knew that their lodge was closer to the the edge of their territory, but didn't realize he'd been running so hard for so long. It smelled different in this area, like something had removed itself, or been removed from the environment. There were no birds chirping in the air, no squirrels scampering about the trees or lizards climbing on fallen branches and rocks.

It was dead.

He stepped carefully, even though there was nothing here. There were caves in the area, and as he ventured the scent of rotting flesh wafted to meet his nose. Even in his wolf form he wretched. It was an old scent however, whatever had been rotting away was fully decomposed by now.

Something cracked beneath his paw, and he automatically jerked away as it was a ribcage.

There were more bones than just the ribcage, it was an entire animal. There were others too as he surveyed the entire area.

Many more...

This was an entire massacre. In this area between trees he counted thirty wolves, for that's what they were. Where was there den? There were no other disctint scents in the area so he looked around.

The whole time, he pondered what had happened here. An entire pack of wolves was wiped out. For what reason? After a bit of searching he came across an almost enclosed area. It would have been very strategic in any attempted attack, unless the pack was drawn out, as he guessed that was what had happened.

There were more bodies of wolves here, most were smaller. These were the pups, some older, some younger. He shifted into his human form. There were several small pups in what would have been their den. Had they been alive they'd fit in his hands.

A full grown wolf lay within a few feet of the den, a mother wolf, it had to be. Something white caught his attention by the stream that ran through this area. He picked it up. It was a shirt, that much he knew, shredded from wear and bloodstained.

Recognition dawned on him as he examined it closer, noticing the design of his initials on the left side where a pocket would lay if it was a button up. This was the shirt he'd given the shewolf after he'd fixed her up.

Her body wasn't with the fallen wolves, Damien would've been able to tell if it was. It didn't mean she was alive though, and he had to prepare himself for that possibility. Even thinking about it however, left him feeling numb. No other female had held his interest or desire like she had, and he wanted no other but her.

For fucks sake, he didn't even know her name, but he was willing to teach her, to help her learn about the humanity that surrounded her world. If he couldn't find her, taking someone else for a mate was not his ideal choice.

Scents were useless to try and track. Whoever had destroyed her pack and potentially her had done it long enough so that bones were the only thing left.

He could only hope to wait for a sign.


I hope this was to y'alls liking.

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