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She relished in the time spent with Damien, chasing that rabbit had been fun, for lack of a better word. It was what she'd missed in pack life. The ease of being with a family, where she didn't have to hide what she was.

After Katherine had gotten over the initial shock of her being a werewolf, she didn't mind her actions, but Shae knew it made her uncomfortable to some extent.

She came to the water to clean the dirt from her skin and the blood from her mouth.

Before she had lost everything, the concept of cleanliness was foreign to her, and she learned from Katherine that keeping clean will help with wounds healing. It had been why her wounds were easily infected.

She had a few cuts from her run through the woods, but those were nothing.

Damien had followed her in his human form to the water as were her intentions.

He was undoubtedly a beautiful male, even before she knew the right way to think about a mate. But she better understood human emotions now and recalled her actions on the day they first met. She had been wild. His blood had been sweeter than any other animal she'd hunted before, and even now she saw a glimpse of the scar she'd given him.

Damien sat himself next to her as she cleaned up, following suit and doing the same.

"I thought the human world would change you, but it hasn't, at least not in a bad way," he chuckled. He was right. So many moons ago she was fighting for survival, but now, now it was freedom. But it had been at the cost of loneliness.

"You've had my curiosity and interest since I first met you, and I have so many questions, like how did you end up a feral?"

Shae hesitated answering his question, but then responded with, "I was raised by my packs for as long as I remember. There were wolves like me too, but I was small when I became Alpha and they left me after a challenge from another Alpha," shame suddenly washed over her in a wave of heat from her gut. She had been so naive many moons ago.

"And this pack? What happened after you left my land? I saw the skeletons, and I worried when you weren't there, but was relieved at the same time," he asked. She recalled waking up in Katherine's house, she had scared her senseless.

"A wolf like us came. He wanted my pack to be his and me to be his mate. I said no. I should not have survived his attack," Shae rubbed her throat self consciously. When she went out with Katherine people stared, and she didn't like it.

"But that human saved you, and here you are," Damien said, nudging her slightly.

"Yes, she did," she forced a smile. This was not turning out the way she had wanted. He wanted to know too many things that hurt to talk about.

She stood up.

"Wait! I did not mean to offend you, or make you upset. That was not my intention," he stood as well, and grabbed her arm as she prepared to walk away.

"It is not fair that I live, and they did not! There were pups, only weeks old that his pack killed," tears clouded her vision. When she'd learned what tears were after a spout of them over a movie with Katherine, she had begun to laugh. Now she resented them. She looked weak.

"Hey, hey, look at me," Damien pulled her into him. God he was warm and smelled so good, even after their run. "Death is a part of nature, the strongest survive, and that's why you're here today," he brushed away her tears. She sniffed, her nose had begun to leak, and wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"May I kiss you?" He asked. She had only seen it done in movies and read about it in books, but thought kissing was a weird thing to do nonetheless. However, it seemed like an intimate thing to do, and that's what she wanted with Damien, intimacy.

"Yes," and within seconds, his lips were on hers, and she understood why people kissed now. It brought strange, but pleasurable feelings to her body. And then his lips began to move against hers. She had no clue what to do so she mimicked his movements.

Want, as it could only be described crept through her being. It was different than the need she had experienced before.

She pulled away from him. And as she looked at him she noticed his pupils had dialated. He was feeling the same way.

"I've waited so long, and now I don't want to wait any longer," his voice had a rasp that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Then don't," she responded cheekily, her own voice came out as a croak from desire. Her behavior was unlike her. Emotions had muddled her thoughts and these words that fell from her mouth were not what she had intended to say.

There need nothing else be said, and they became a mess of heat and passion. Time stood still as they explored each other. The earth beneath them, annoying all other times, mattered little in the moment as they were consumed with each other.

They took their time, carefully exploring each other's bodies, familiarizign themselves with the curves and edges of the other. For a time she let Damien have control, and while feelings were intense, she preferred the moments when she had the control.

In the heat of the moment, there was biting and scratching, but all to improve the endless sensations rolling through their bodies.  

Hours passed as they were consumed by each other, and a wonderful time it was. It left Shae sore in places that had never been so before.

They both took a dip in the water again after their tryst, small cuts smarted when the cold water hit them, but the dirt washed away with ease along with the layer of sweat that coated their forms.


I've got another chapter started, so another update will be soon. Definitely sooner than this was, I had difficulty writing it.

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