"He's Gonna Say No!" One would say.

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She looked into his eyes as she spoke those words then looked down her cheeks swimming in crimson. She put her hands behind her back and looked at her feet awaiting his reply. He hadn't said anything for a minute, she was starting to think he'd reject her offer and was slowly loosing hope. The awkwardness continued and she tried to look up at him but couldn't get the courage to do so.

A few more minutes had passed and she could hear the two whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. She wanted desperately to hear the words they were speaking but she fighters the urge to use her wolf abilities or to ask.

The whispering stopped and she looked up to find them both looking at her. However, their facial expressions were almost impossible to read.

Thoughts raced through her mind and the voices in her head were segueing furiously.

He's gonna say no, one would say.
No he wouldn't crush her feelings, another would argue.
He's probably going with someone else, a new voice would enter the conversation.
No he can't possibly be, more would retort.
With looks like that of course he already has a date.
If he says no you could always go with the other, one voice mentioned.
But she wants to go with him, the other whined.
What if he hasn't got a date but the one she wants does, another brought up.
You just said that with looks like that of course he'll have a date, they're identical, more would complain.

She cast all the voices away and finally the silence was broken. He slowly breathed out and she stared into his eyes.

"On one condition..." He breathed.

She looked at him even closer.

"You have one dance with George as well."

"Why?" She questioned.

"Well why wouldn't you, you like me but were identical so it wouldn't really matter who you went with." He said.

"Okay!" Her spirits lifted.

"Really.?" They asked in sync.

"Really. But-" She leaned closer to them. "I'm getting Draco back that night as well."

"What are you gonna do?" They laughed.

"You'll have to wait and see..." She walked off but then turned, "And please don't switch, I'll find out." She said with a raised eyebrow and ran out the whole in the painting with a sheepish grin on her face.

Wolf-Blood (Harry Potter FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें