I shouldn't have moved in with my boyfriend

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source: u/larverdarvik


My boyfriend and I have been together for around two years now, and I finally decided to move in with him. We get along extremely well, and for the most part, I am fully happy with my decision. I only regret that I didn't move in sooner.

Well, that was then anyway. Now, I'm starting to regret it altogether... You know when you find out something about someone and it completely changes your opinion on them forever, well this is exactly what happened.

I'll start from the start I guess. I moved in about six months ago. His house was fairly clean and tidy, and it was honestly perfect for the two of us. We were closer than ever.

After the first few nights, I began to look around, not really snooping through his stuff, more just like seeing what he had really. Of course, it was nothing too unusual.

But one day, during my investigations, I found a box under the bed. It looked old, like he had it pretty much his entire life. Jackpot. I dragged the box from under the bed and rummaged through it. It was full of old journals, photo albums, toys, and other random books.

I got out one of his journals. There was a smudged label on the front, I couldn't even make out what it said, but my guess is that it was just his name. I opened it, it was his diary from when he was a kid, and on the front page, like every child would write in every diary, it had "Keep out" written all over it. I chuckled to myself, and continued on to the next page.

On the page, in that sloppy, giant handwriting that every kid had. The entire page had exactly one sentence on it.

"I saw a pretty girl today" it was written in 2000, when he was about six years old.

I found it quite funny and cute. If the entire journal was like this, I was definitely gonna read through all of it. I wasn't really too sure if he'd want me to go through his stuff, so I pushed the box back under and kept the diary for myself. I continued to read it throughout the day. The entire diary was all about this girl he saw. He'd always write about her skin, and how amazing it was. How beautiful and smooth it looked, and how perfect and soft her hair was. I got to when he was ten years old. He was still talking about the girl. Four years after he first saw her. He was six years old. I didn't really think much of it. Probably just a crush at school which seemed to last extremely long.

The diary lasted all throughout his teenage years. I was reading through maybe the fourth or fifth entry of when he was fourteen. It kinda creeped me out. It was just paragraphs on paragraphs about this girl. "I'll get her one day." It said, over and over again. Each time it was repeated, it seemingly got more aggressive. I was more worried than ever at this point. Who was this girl and what the hell was he planning to do.

I continued reading up to the most recent entry. It was from six months ago. "I finally have her trapped. She's mine, and she'll be mine forever. Forever. She won't be going anywhere. Finally, I get to have her all to myself.. Her gorgeous skin will finally be mine."

I heard the front door unlock. "I'm home babe!"

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