the little girl named alice

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When I was a child, probably about 5 or 6, I had extremely bad night terrors. I would fall asleep to the sound of my parents yelling at each other most nights, and would have night terrors and would sleepwalk and talk in my sleep. I remember often seeing shadow figures, usually in human form often around my house in the middle of the night.

Fast forward to when I'm about 16, I started getting night terrors again. It got to the point where I would keep myself from sleeping because of the horror that awaited me in my sleep. So I'd stay up, and after a while of this (while already being depressed) I started becoming suicidal. I think my mind just sorta snapped one day, because I started seeing shadow people again, except not only at night, in the middle of the day, outside or inside, school and at home.

One shadow person, in particular, started talking to me. She is a little girl and she said her name is Alice. We ended up talking a lot, and we became friends. In fact, at the time, she was my only friend. She knew this, so she told me she was going to get her friends to come to see me. After that, many shadow people would often be around me at once. I'm talking, maybe a dozen or so in my room while I'm in there talking to Alice, just hanging out. I know none of this sounds normal. But it gets worse...

I started hearing her voice even if she wasn't there, I started carving her name into things, on my wall, even into my arm (yes there is a scar of her name on my arm). My parents didn't know what to do, so they sent me to a mental hospital. I ended up sleeping in what was called the "safety room" it was an empty room with only a mattress on the floor and a rubber ball in it.

I got on meds and left the hospital about 2 weeks later. But the meds made me even more depressed and Alice's voice never left but I couldn't see her anymore. So I tried taking my life. I took 30 extra strength pain killers and I honestly think I did die for a minute at least. My father at the time told me he wasn't going to take me to the hospital, and that I had to start making myself throw up the pills. After trying to throw up for about 40 mins to no avail, I went and laid in bed, where I passed out. I woke up outside my body, in my room. I could see my body, but I also saw Alice and several other shadow people around me. Alice told me I wasn't allowed to die yet, so she shoved me back in my body. I woke up and started vomiting blood. I sucked on ice cubes to try and get water in my system for a couple of days.

I am now 19, and I still hear Alice's voice in my head. Whenever I feel depressed, she tells me I'm not alone, and that I'm not allowed or able to die yet, because she will just push me back in my body. I am much healthier now, but part of me still misses that form of insanity, the peace I felt knowing that the only things that existed were me, Alice, and my own mind.

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