abandoned county hospital

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kinda long


Exactly what it says. For 3 summers I worked in an old county hospital that my buddies Uncle owned. It was without a doubt the worst time of my life as I today worked completely alone until around the end of my time there. There's plenty of history between this building and I which if it interests people enough I'll divulge but I want to focus on a specific story.

Prior to my employment there we spent two nights in the building, this will cover the second night. It was my buddy (names changed for privacy reasons) Chris, my brother Luke and I. We brought a video camera with us and we rode ATV's around the property for most of the day before entering the building. Once we were in the building we set up our "base camp" on the third floor in a Day Room. Basically, just open space where the people could hang out like a common area.

The third floor was a medical ward which housed a hospital unit and one of the thickest doors I've ever personally seen. At least 4 inches thick with only deadbolts to open and close it along with an observation window and nurse station for just that room. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Anyway, we set up camp then work our way through the building filming as we go.

We worked our way through the building in about 2.5 or 3 hours and it's around 10:30-11:00 by the time we're back at base. It was about then we heard a tapping noise like metal opening and closing. On a calm windless night didn't seem like this was possible but we wrote it off as a wind trap in a nurses station. We gather sleeping bags and our sodas and chat before Luke looked at us and said "guys I can't do this I'm really uneasy I want to go." Well Chris and I were like okay that's fine we'll take you down to the car you'll be safe there. Escort him down, get greeted by the German Shepard on guard duty and head back up.

We get back up and settle in, Chris can fall asleep anywhere instantly, something that he said was a hell of a skill once he joined the army, but it's important as I couldn't sleep at all. I could hear the pup wandering around outside before he laid down outside the window. (Clear calm night we could hear his nails on the cement all the way on the third floor.) Then suddenly he got up and started growling and barking. My heart has never ever beat that fast. I slowly got up and peered out the window down and I could see the pup looking back up at me growling. Talk about a heart-stopping moment. I kicked Chris and told him what was happening and he said it was normal and to go back to bed. Cool here I was thinking we might get killed. I took a few breaths crawled back into my sleeping bag and tried to settle in.

I was down for what felt like no more than 10 minutes when I sort of woke up. I checked my phone and it was about 12:30ish when I heard the most gut-wrenching sound of my life, something I will never be able to explain or forget. A loud unending scream that didn't echo. I would have written it off as an animal but Midway through whatever it was screamed "oh fuck, please stop!" Then as quickly as it started it ended. I could feel my fingers trembling but white-knuckled around my knife. I barely managed to call out to Chris who didn't respond. I so badly wanted to leave but couldn't force myself to move.

I swear I didn't sleep, but eventually, daylight broke and I was up and packing immediately. I woke up Chris and we went down to the car. I asked Chris about it and he said he hadn't heard anything but Luke had just as weird of a night. He said he could see shadows moving in the surrounding areas of the building but every time he turned the car lights on to check they were gone. He said it happened multiple times before he just closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

Needless to say I have absolutely no clue as to why I decided to work there after all this but if you'd like to hear more about creepy/scary moments from my time here let me know.

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