Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I was as good as my word, back on the tins, and enjoying the delights of tomato soup poured over freshly boiled pasta. Saturday’s catastrophe hadn’t been entirely without it’s benefits, however: taken by an unexpected rush of creativity, I added a dash of Worcester sauce and a clove of garlic, dropping both into the soup as it was heating. The garlic was a resounding success, the sauce less so, but my experiments prompted some raised eyebrows and knowing glances in the kitchen; I was a new man, or an updated man at the very least.

I took a seat at the table, opposite Iain who was busily tucking into his Chinese take-away, as Dawn mouthed, ‘Go on’, at me whilst surreptitiously waving a thumb in Iain’s direction.

‘Did you have a, er, good workout at the gym yesterday Iain?’

‘Not bad,’ replied Iain between mouthfuls, though he was clearly confused by my sudden interest in his exercise regime.

‘Don’t worry,’ I smirked, ‘it’s not a loaded question. It’s just that I was thinking about joining a gym but I don’t know the good ones from the bad. I was just looking for some advice.’

‘Your gym is quite a good one, isn’t it Iain?’, said Dawn, trying to chivvy the conversation along.

‘Yeah, it’s pretty good. They’ve got most things there, plenty of cardio’ machines, free weights, classes. What were you thinking of doing Ben?’

‘I don’t know to be honest Iain, I just need to get fit. You know, lose a few pounds, maybe add a bit of muscle.’

‘Aye, well it’s no’ a bad gym. I’ll take you up tomorrow night if you like and one of the instructors can give you a tour. If you’re interested that is.’

‘Yeah I am Iain, definitely. That would be great.’

‘Well, I usually like to get there for about six. I can call back here first or meet you there.’

‘Whatever’s easiest for you.’

‘Well, just in case you have trouble finding it, I’ll meet you here for six.’

‘You’re on,’ I said, and put my soup stained bowl into the sink while Dawn gave me a wink and a playful nudge in the ribs.

Dawn remained generally reluctant to tell any of our house mates about our nebular relationship, not just yet in any case. She reasoned it would not be fair on Iain if he were the only person to be kept in the dark; as she said, it was a close-knit household. In addition to this concern, there was a fair possibility of the affair faltering early on, which was another reason to keep things unofficial: why cause a stir for any temporary shenanigans, only to incur the inevitable fuss, embarrassment and factions which everyone could do without. No, we would keep up our act until either Dawn got bored of me (the odds-on favourite), Iain and I developed at least a mutual understanding (a 14/1 long shot), or - most preferable of all - Iain and I formed a bond of friendship (odds available on request).

I didn’t have a problem with it.

What I did find somewhat strange, however, was the furtive smiles and glances which we were indulging in, not to mention the overriding feeling that we were doing something naughty. It wasn’t even as if we were doing anything, not yet anyway. Iain’s good will and trust, Iain’s bloody blessing, would have to come before we could consider any intimacy of a carnal kind. We were agreed. We were resolute. Patience and abstinence would be a small price to pay for the preservation of peace and harmony, not to mention my general well being.

A few hours later, Dawn sneaked into my room as I was labouring through another chapter of my revision book.

‘Hello there play mate,’ she whispered, as she quietly pushed the door shut. ‘I just thought I’d see what you get up to this late at night. What’s that you’re reading?’

‘Oh, this?’, I asked, quickly tossing the book onto the floor beside my bed. ‘Just some porn. Hard core S&M. Iain lent it to me.’

‘Hmmm, maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all,’ she said, her hips gently swaying as she advanced towards me. ‘I’m more of an honest to goodness bestiality girl myself.’ She placed her index finger in the centre of my forehead and pushed my head back onto the bed, raising a knee onto the mattress before smoothly clambering over me. ‘Having said that,’ she said, pinning my arms down as she straddled me, ‘I always have quite fancied myself as a dominatrix.’

She was a screamer. An ear-splitting, lung busting, fuck-me, fuck-me, faster, harder, harder, faster, yes, yes, yes, no, no, yes, no, yes, yes, screamer. Fuck me, I tried putting a hand over her mouth to shut her up but it was to no avail; she just sunk her teeth into my fingers, nearly severing two of them at the joint.

Needless to say our cover was blown, and as Dawn dropped off to sleep some time later, her arm draped across my chest, her leg intertwined with mine, my thoughts turned not to the shag of my life, but to my mad Glaswegian cohabit, and our appointed meeting within the next 24 hours.

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