•Chapter 3: Another Unexpected Confession•

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Sebastian was finishing putting the rest of the produce in the fridge while Ciel sat behind him, finishing the last of his cookies. Once he swallowed the lat bite, he looked at Sebastian. He moved with ease, but there was a sort of heaviness to his movements, as if he was almost too tired to continue. Once again, Ciel felt suffocated in Sebastian's presence. But he had something to ask him


"Yes, Ciel?" The hope in Sebastian's voice was almost needy. Almost obnoxious.

"What would you do if you were my mate?"

Sebastian did a double take. They were never on the subject of mating or just wanted in general. Only Sebastian talked about it to himself, complaining that he was pathetic, not having a mate yet.

"Why are suddenly interested?"

"No reason. I'm just curious. You seem to want to mate with me. I was wondering what you would do if you got the chance?"

"Well, I would pleasure you, definitely. And protect you. I'd be the happiest man ever, having the best Omega as my mate. Oh, and I'd give you as many children as you wanted," Sebastian answered honestly. He actually began to smile at the thought of it. 

Ciel got down from the counter and walked towards the stairs. "I'm going to go study now. Thank you for your answer." He gave Sebastian a smile that made his heart stop.

Once upstairs, Ciel could breath easier. Sebastian had answered his question, but was it the answer Ciel had wanted?


Late at night, Ciel slept soundly in his bed. The pillows smelled faintly of Alois and Ciel unconsciously nuzzled one he was holding close.

The window slid silently open, and heavy but hushed footsteps made their way to Ciel's bedside. Ciel stirred when the large shadow cascaded over him. He barely opened his eyes when the figure pounced, one hand holding Ciel's wrists above his head and the other clamped over his mouth, legs on either side of the small boy.

Ciel's eyes were completely wide open, all sleepiness replaced with bone-chilling terror. The overwhelming smell of an Alpha suffocated Ciel more. But the eyes that bore down on him weren't Sebastian's lovesick red.

They were a sickly yellow, glowing menacingly in the pale moonlight, framed by silver glasses.


The figure gave an awful chuckle as Ciel's features morphed with realization.

"Yes, Phantomhive, it's me, Claude. I'm so glad you haven't forgotten about me," he hissed in a voice that was dropping with fake happiness. He bared his teeth as he continued. "Listen, Alois told me what he said to you during his little visit today. I just came over to tell you that I don't want you getting any little pretty ideas. Alois and Sebastian are jokes. They are Alphas, but they can't play the part. You will mate with me." 

At these words, Ciel began to struggle. No no no. Not yet. He wasn't ready. Please for God's sake, please don't Claude do it now. He didn't want to.

His eyes filled with tears. Claude noticed this and leaned close so he could whisper in Ciel's ear. "You're such a rare find. Anyone in their right minds can see that. But they don't deserve you. I do. I would love to have you as my little pet. Oh, the pleasure you could give me. And you would never be able to leave. You would be at my mercy. And who could protect someone like you from someone like me?"

He laughed darkly. "The answer is me."

The light in the hallway flicked on and the Alpha seemed to disappear as soon as he came, making sure to shut the window behind him 

As soon as the pressure was off of him, Ciel sat up, veins coursing with adrenaline and heart beating so hard, it made his head throb. He trembled as his arms wrapped around himself.

Ciel's shaken silhouette was illuminated as Sebastian opened the door 

"Ciel, is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything's... Everything's fine, Sebastian. It was o-only a nightmare." A nightmare name Claude.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No. J-just please go. I'll...I'll just go back to sleep."

The struck down Sebastian walked out of the room and shut the door. He mumbled something to himself about being 30 years old and without a mate. How pathetic Sebastian.

As for Ciel, he cautiously laid back down on his pillows. He curled into himself, grabbing the pillow that he was cuddling. As the smell of Alois wafted toward him, all he could do was cry into it.

He so desperately wanted it to actually be Alois. He wanted Alois here. He wanted to hug him. He wanted to be told it was alright. That he was going to be protected. That Claude wouldn't come back. He.... He wanted to be kissed again.


[Who's he gonna choose?]

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