Prologue; Sweetly Stupid

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Copyright © Emily J. - NerdyBirdie of Wattpad.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.


Author's Note; Hey guys! So, welcome to Sweetly Yours!  This is my NaNoWriMo 2O12 novel--and I'm a winner! This is the first novel I've EVER completed, and I'm sososo happy! This will be uploaded all through December, I'll probably edit a chapter and then post it for you all. Hope you like the prologue--yes it's a bit long (I got a bit too carried away), but the bigger the better, right?

Enjoy, my dear readers!


Sweetly Yours

Prologue; Sweetly Stupid

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

The frosty snow, which lay thickly on the ground beneath me, made a satisfying crunch with each heavy step I took in my thick fur boots, as I wandered up the lonely street towards the centre of the town. As I passed each house, the bright colours of Christmas lights greeted me, shimmering merrily. It was still light; only 2 o'clock, but it seemed everyone in the town was wrapped up in the Christmas spirit.

Well, it was the 22nd of December, and with only three days to go until the long-awaited 25th, I suppose it was justified.

I passed various snowmen on my casual stroll down the street, some quite artistic with defined features, others just odd blobs of snow with a manky carrot for a nose and a faded old woollen hat plonked on top.

A soft smile graced my lips as I passed a few young children having a snowball fight in a snowy garden, bundled in layers of coats, hats, scarves, gloves, each sporting adorably rosy cheeks and little red noses. Memories of my own snowy childhood passed through my mind, building snowmen with Mama, making snow angels with my older sister, Gabby, snowball fights with Cameron, my older brother.

They had both left school now, Gabby in her first year at Oxford University, studying medicine, and Cameron at his second year at the local college, training to be an electrician. I'd be joining them in the 'big wide world' in two years, currently still in high school; in my first year of Sixth Form doing my A Levels.

A robin singing merrily, perched on a snowy branch of a nearby tree, broke me away from my thoughts, and back to the present. Robins were such lovely little birds, just like Winter was such a lovely season.

Ah, Winter. A truly magical time of year, my personal favourite. This year, however, was going to be quite unlike any other.

This year, I was taking a risk.

My hands tightened around the small wrapped package they held preciously in their clutches, and I took a deep breath of frosty air as I thought of where I was heading, where the package was destined.

Two words; Jamie Bright.

Jamie Bright was the perfect, dream guy, a great find for any girl. He was smart, funny, sweet, athletic--not to mention extremely good looking. He was my age, seventeen, and I had been fantasising about him shamelessly for the past six months.

Yes, I had counted.

I would've struck up a conversation with him months ago, but I couldn't pluck up the courage. With practically no experience in the world of boy, I was clueless. I mean, were you meant to just talk normally to the guy you 'like'? Or are you supposed to, I don't know, clearly put across the message that you like them? How were you supposed strike up a conversation; were there certain topics?

Sweetly YoursOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant