Chapter Six; Sweetly Successful

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Author's Note; Hey derr, guys! I'm just writing this about the gif of Josh on the side, ahahaha. I know it has absolutely nothing to do with the story, but I just found it hilarious, and had to share it. So, yeah, have a laugh and read away! :3

Sweetly Yours

Chapter Six; Sweetly Successful

Knocking is so formal, don't you think?

Barging in uninvited is much more classy.

Well, at least, that's what I was telling myself as I charged into Jamie's room, flinging open the door and entering without really thinking. He could've been getting dressed, or doing something embarrassing . . .

But he wasn't, which pleased my conscience.

No, Jamie was casually lying on his bed, the white wire of headphones coming out of his ears, strung across his bed, until it reached the iPod Touch that rested snugly in his large hand. His eyes were closed, his foot lightly tapping to the loud beat, which even I could hear from my position at the door, his hand also tapping along--well, until I decided to burst in and ruin his little musical moment of zen.

Jamie's eyes flung open, bolting upright and tearing the earphones from his ears. When his gaze focused on me, his shoulders dropped slightly, relaxing, although his startled expression morphed into a confused one. "Farah?" He asked quizzically, quirking up one eyebrow.

I shot him a nervous smile. "Er, hey, Jamie," I replied, edging a little into the room. "Just thought that I'd come and say . . . hello?"

Jamie frowned a little, but quickly covered it up. "Oh. Well, um, hello." His gaze flickered to his iPod, the longing clearly visible.

"I lied," I blurted out in a jumble. "I mean, I didn't just come in here to say hello," I explained further, upon Jamie's extremely confused expression.

"Right . . ." Jamie replied, the confusion--and probably weirded out -ness--clearly showing in his tone of voice, and facial expression.

This isn't coming out right. Not exactly going as smoothly as I'd hoped.

I took a deep breath, stepping in further into the room, trying to locate the gift, with no luck so far. "Look," I started, "I just wanted to come and say sorry for acting a little . . . strange, earlier. I didn't want you to think I was laughing at you, or anything, because I genuinely wasn't." No, I was laughing because I was helpless, and didn't know how to react. "And then I sort of ran off on you . . . I'm sorry about that, too. I just needed to calm down and compose myself, I suppose. So I'd just like you to know that I am really, truly sorry," I finished sheepishly, shuffling so I was leaning against the wall facing Jamie and his bed.

My eyes trained on to some sparkling Christmas wrapping paper, enclosing a little boxed package--bingo, baby!

Jamie's present had fallen off the side of the bedside table, so from Jamie's position on the bed, it couldn't be seen, thankfully. The next step in this little adventure was to get to the present, and then proceed to make sure it was hidden from every angle.

"Hey, it's okay," Jamie replied reassuringly, "I kind of guessed that you needed to calm down and cool off. Guess all of those games of Mario Kart caught up to you, huh?"

As Jamie was talking, something struck me. On the wall above where the fallen present was, there was a radiator. All I needed to do was pretend to go to the radiator, kick the present somewhere, and ta-da!

Yes, finally, an excuse for both! I'm well and truly saved!

"Yep, I guess so," I laughed casually, sending Jamie a normal smile. I then pretended to only just notice the radiator. "Oh, hey, is that radiator turned on? It's quite cold, don't you think?" Without waiting for a reply, I confidently walked over to the radiator, leaning my back against the warm metal. "Ooh," I sighed blissfully.

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