Chapter Seven; Sweetly Guilty

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Author's Note; For some reason, wattpad deleted my update from yesterday, grr. So then I reposted today, but all of the votes,comments&dedication from yesterday are back and it says I posted yesterday? Hm. Oh, and guys, I really need your help! Who should play Kye? o-o

Sweetly Yours

Chapter Seven; Sweetly Guilty

When in an awkward situation, the best possible thing to do would be to remain completely calm, and work your way around the awkward-ness (is that even a word?), which would hopefully lead to resolving the awkward situation, as well as appearing like a completely normal, sane, definitely not-guilty person.

Of course, it has already been established that fate is out to get me.

So, naturally, I just had to react in the most guilty, awkward way possible.


"What . . . wh-wh-what are y-y-ou talking about, Kye," I asked, stuttering and bright crimson. "We . . . no . . . argh!" I took a breath, meeting Kye's amused gaze coolly. "I don't know what you think you're talking about, but you're completely wrong," I said calmly, attempting to keep my tone even and cool.

Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie.

Because Kye had, as they say, hit the hammer dead straight, smack bang in the middle of it's shiny, polished head.

Well, in my eyes anyway. Then again, it has also been well established that I'm a blushing, awkward, love sick optimist, so nobody should really trust my judgement, or whatever utter nonsense that spills out of my mouth.

"Of course you don't, Farah," Kye replied bemusedly, leaning back comfortably into the plush seat of the sofa, slowly and steadily twiddling his thumbs together like some big shot business tycoon. All he needed was a crisp, sharp Armani suit, an expensive watch and a lavish office somewhere in the city, and he would play the part brilliantly.

"Kye, just drop it. It's unnecessary, and you're embarrassing Farah. You're just doing it for attention, so just drop it, okay?" Jamie spat at his brother spitefully, a bitter edge to his tone. My heart warmed a little and I fought the urge to break out in a glorious, beaming smile--Jamie was defending me!

Kye held his hands up in surrender, this time no sweets flying everywhere. "Hey, hey, chill out, bro. I was messing around, alright?"

"Just drop it." Jamie's voice was cold, void of any emotion. I'd never seen this side of him before, I suppose I had no reason to, but it made me uncomfortable, standing here watching the two Bright brothers glare at each other . . . over me.

 Wow. Talk about a completely unexpected, uncomfortable situation.

Right, if I can just keep my mouth shut, everything should be fine. Under no circumstances should my lips part, unless my nose spontaneously decides not to work, and I can't breathe. Just wait this situation out, and everything will be fine.  You'll appear normal and sane, for once in your life.


Thick, looming silence took it's hold over the three of us, clouding us and causing a tension that was thick, so thick that not even a knife could cut it.

Nobody spoke.

Nobody moved.

Nobody backed down.

My lips parted, but I put up a fierce mental barrier, restraining myself from talking, as much as I desperately wanted to. It's not my battle. This is between Jamie and Kye. Don't poke your nose in. Remember all of your books? The main girl always gets in everyone's business, and she eventually pays the price for it.

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