Chapter One; Sweetly Awkward

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Sweetly Yours

Chapter One; Sweetly Awkward


Such a simple little word, which pretty much summed up the whole situation that I currently found myself in.

After awkwardly staring in shock at Kye, perhaps for a few seconds too long, I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't think of anything to say--I mean, was I okay?

Physically, I suppose that yes, I was perfectly fine. A little cold, but that could be overlooked.

It's when you got to the mental side of things that it all became complicated.

Okay, so the older brother of my crush was awkwardly standing in front of me, waiting for an answer to the question that any normal person would ask after saving a poor girl from the snow blizzard that still appeared to be raging on wildly outside. Oh, and we were standing in the middle of the sweet shop owned by his family, with his home conveniently situated upstairs, meaning that it was also the home of my crush, as well. And since there was a snow blizzard outside, and it seemed that I was the only person who was insane enough to venture out in it for so long, that would mean Jamie, my crush, would be somewhere in this very building, too. Oh, and I was currently trying to inconspicuously hide the Christmas present I was going to give to Jamie anonymously behind my back.

Oh, well isn't this just dandy?

Biting my lip to stop myself screaming in frustration, I settled on a nod, although it came out a bit too enthusiastic and I probably ended up resembling a little nodding-dog, the kind that people placed in their cars on the dashboard. Ergh!

Kye eyed me doubtfully. "I think you may have gone into shock or something. Your name's Farah, right?" Cue another nod, although more casual and normal looking (I hope). It was no surprise that Kye knew my name; we lived in a town where everyone knew everyone, or at the very least, everyone knew someone, who knew someone else.

"Okay, Farah, well . . . how about you sit down, and I'll go get my mum, she'll know what to do."

Taking my arm--the one not clutching onto the present, thankfully--Kye led me over to a plush, faded leather chair, situated in an empty corner of the shop, which I remembered Kye and Jamie's mum sitting in sometimes, whenever the shop was quiet. Once I sat down, still silent, Kye spoke up again. "I'll be right back, okay?"

I gave another small nod, and watched carefully as Kye rushed off to a door at the back of the shop, behind the counter, which I assumed led to the backroom, or something. He pushed open the door, revealing a long, wooden staircase. "Mum?!" Kye yelled, cupping his mouth with his hands.

A muffled voice sounded from upstairs a few seconds later, sounding impatient and a little frustrated. "What is it, Kye?"

Kye paused for a few seconds, his eyes flicking over to me for a brief second, with his eventual reply coming out uncertain. "Well . . . it'd probably be best if you just came and see for yourself . . ."

The sigh from Mrs Bright could be heard loud and clear through the silence, and soon the sound of shoes squeaking on floorboards could be heard overhead. "Kye, I ask you to watch over the shop for what, two minutes? And come on, it's not like we're going to be getting any customers soon; surely you'd have to be an idiot to venture out in the mess outside--"

As she entered into the shop, Mrs Bright's mouth immediately flopped open, and she stopped dead in her tracks. Eyes wide, she slapped a hand to her mouth. "Oh, my, Farah, darling!" She cried, snapping out of her shock and rushing to my chair. "What's happened? Are you okay? Oh silly me, of course you're not okay! Oh, Farah, you stupid girl, what were you doing out in this weather? Haven't you been listening to the--"

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