Abused, So how did I catch Mr. Celebrity's eye?

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Chapter one:

“Kali! Table six needs refills!” My pain in the butt boss yelled at me.

“I’m on it.” I answered, trying my best to conceal my annoyance.

I hated my job. My life. I worked as a waitress at a crummy diner. Called The Chicken House. I hated this place with a passion. The boss was an ass. The food was gross. And the hours I worked were  crazy. I usually opened at five worked for two hours, then went to school. Then when school finished at three I came here and worked three to ten. I work nine hours a day. Six days a week. With less than seven dollars an hour.

I scurried over to table six. Seated there was a cute family. Two young happy, parents that were in love. It was clear to see. And the little kids were adorable. Two little boys and one girl. All around the age of five.  They were the perfect family. One thing I will never know.

“Hi. Would any of you like refills?” I asked them. Flashing them a slight smile.

“Yes, please.” The mother answered, returning my smile.

I took their cups and went to fill them.  Until my boss decided to make my life suck even more.

“Kali! The men’s and woman’s bathroom needs to be cleaned. Now!” The vial man bellowed.

Mr. Macklin was mean. He assigned my harsh hours. And paid me very little. He also makes me do horrific tasks. Like cleaning the restrooms, but that is nothing. Once I had to scrub bathroom floors with nothing but a tooth brush. Because I was one minute late. There is no ‘I’m sorry, I was stuck in traffic.’ In his book.

He also looked revolting.  Bald, chubby, covered in grease. It was like a second skin. It was so oily and disgusting. I never touched him, or anything he touched without disinfecting it first. I wasn’t a germ-a-phob but he was just sick. It was like he didn’t know what a shower was.

“Yes, sir.” I muttered, handing Missy, another waitress the drinks.

She glared at me, but took them back to the table. But no before flipping her blond hair over her shoulder. Giving me a ‘hmph’.

I sighed.  No one here liked me. Except Mrs. Macklin. Mr. Macklin’s mother. She was a sweet little thing.  And she was the only reason I wasn’t fired.

 I walked to the back of the restaurant, passing all of the customers. Happy families. Couples out on a date. Everyone here was happy. Except me.

 I made my way to the supply closet. There I  grabbed the mop. With the ugly yellow bucket in tow.

I decided it would be better to start with the girls restroom since I am a girl. So I won’t receive as may  alarmed or awkward glances. As I would the means. It’ s funny to see how scared they are thinking they’ve walked into the wrong room. But not it’s merely annoying.

I walked into the ugly gray restroom. It was gray everywhere. Walls, tile flooring, the sinks. The only thing the was not gray were the toilets.  And they were all dirty. And gross. Everything was nasty. Like they rolled in dirt. And I had to clean them.  God, I hate my job.

It took me three hours to clean both restrooms. And I was exhausted.  They were filthy. I had to scrub, scrub, and scrub some more. And they still weren’t as clean as they should be. But I can’t clean anymore. My wrists are cramped, and my fingers are like ancient prunes.  And I permanentlymell like cheap soap.

“Tsk, tsk. Kali you used the new sponge, when we had a perfectly fine one. That’s coming out of your pay check. And since you didn’t finish before closing time. Missy and Janice had to wait your tables. So they will be splitting the tips you earned before you slacked off. “ Mr. Macklin smirked.

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