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America heard a ringing through his ears, making him let out a groan
He opened his eyes, fully awake now and ready to beat up something or someone up
The sound came from his left side, and he tured his head to see that it was just Canada was calling him on his phone
He took a deep breath in, and let it out, sitting up slowly
The awful ringing stopped and he turned his body towards the phone, seeing his lock screen
It was 11:43, and there were around 10 calls from Canada, a few messages from him as well
He grabbed the phone and unlocked it, going onto his messages to see what Canada desperately wanted to tell him
fine, since you won't wake up, I'll just tell you on here that we have to go to a meeting with the other countries-

America didn't even finish reading as closed his eyes, groaning inside his head for the second time today
There was one thing he hated more then vegetables, and that was the meetings with the other countries
He hated it for a few reasons
One, everyone was always arguing, gave him a headache
Two, if he stopped talking for a second, his whole family was on him with questions like
"are you ok?"
"Why are you not talking?"
"Do you feel sick or something"
"Why are you so quiet?"
Yet when he DOES talk, everyone is on him
"Shut up America!"
"No one cares!"
"Stop being so entitled and start caring about smaller countries"
"Mind your own buisness!!"
Stuff like that
It annoyed him, so he just stuck to talking whenever someone pointed a question towards him
There was also another thing, he has been feeling kinda weird lately, he noticed that he would just get splitting headaches at the most random times, his ears would start ringing as well
It hurt, but he shrugged it off as just a common sickness, he will get over it in a week or two
He swung his legs over the bed and stood up, walking lazily over to his closet and taking out some clothes, throwing them on the bed, he walked back and got changed into some jeans a black shirt, and a white hoodie, not wanting to try as much today
He stuffed his phone in his hoodie pocket and turned towards his mirror and walked closer, simply examining himself
He touched the mirror, looking at himself in shock
The red on his stripes looked like it was fading into a grey, but since he was so tired and his eyes were still slightly blurry, he thought it was nothing, just his eyes playing tricks on him again
He walked away from the mirror, letting his hand drag across it gently, eventually pulling his hand away as he reached the door knob, gripping it and turning it, then pulling it open and walking out
He walked to the living room with a slow pace, wanting to waste as much time so he didn't have to go to the stupid meeting where everyone either complained or were overly protective over him

'I can take care of myself, I don't need anyone worrying about me'

He said to himself, reaching the living room and grabbing his sunglasses that he left on the table the night before
He rubbed his eyes before putting on his glasses lazily, looking around for his shoes and spotting them
He walked to them and dropped to his knees, then sitting down
He grabbed one and put it on, tying it now
While doing this, he was having a small fight with himself

"Don't go, just say that you are sick!"
"Yeah well too bad, I need to be there!"
"Well if you don't go, they won't even notice that you were gone in the first place"
"I'm right, you're wrong"

That's when he decided to stop fighting with himself, wincing visibly as he put on his other shoe, tying it quicker then the other
He finished and stood up quickly, mabye too quickly, cause when he got up he started hallucinating like some maniac, holding out his hands to stop himself from falling
He got ahold of himself, straightening his posture and letting his arms fall to his sides
He walked towards the front door and opened it, waking out and then closing it
He didn't bother locking it, he lived in a safe, kinda unknown, neighborhood where everyone trusted each other
He started walking to the meeting place or whatever it was called, it didn't really have a specific name
He did want to drive, but he didn't feel like holding his keys the entire time, so he opted to walk
While walking, he got lost in his thoughts, just quietly humming to himself, hoping that this meeting goes by quicker then the last meeting they had

Eventually, around 10 minutes later, the building came into view, and America mentally prepared himself for everyone to start screaming at each other
He walked up the steps to the front door of the building, opening it and walking in, slamming the door shut
Every meeting started at 12, and America always used to be on time, but lately he has been lacking, just not caring anymore, his only excuse being

"I was tired"

He looked around the room, seeing all the countries already there, turned towards him
He noticed some were glaring at him, some rolled their eyes, some just looked blankly at him, and some nodded, as if this was normal behavior from America, in which it kinda was
He all of the sudden felt uncomfortably watched, turning his eyes to see Germany observing him closely, specifically looking at his stripes
America locked eyes with him, giving him a
"What are you looking at?"
face, but Germany just turned his eyes away
He shrugged and looked at UN, who looked completely done with America

"You're late"

Normally, the certain sassy American would have made a remark, but today he just felt too weak, and he shrugged again, feeling almost every country's emotions turn to confusion
He shrugged that off, walking forward towards the chair next to Canada, sitting down and looking at UN, who was just staring at him in shock


America said out loud, whipping his head towards everyone looking at him with a confused look on their faces
He heard UN sigh and start talking again, but America just blurred him out
Why did everyone look at him like that?
Was something wrong?
Did I do something???
Questions like that ran through his mind, worrying him that he perhaps did something wrong
He has been late before, and all of the countries just seemed to shrug it off
But today was weird, he already knew a long meeting awaited him
He felt a nudge on his shoulders, and he turned his head towards Canada
America raised his eyebrow at Canada, who was pointing towards his own flag
Canada must have noticed the confused look on America, letting out a sigh as he then pointed towards American's flag

"What is it?"

The American asked confused, tilting his head at Canada

"There is something wrong with your flag"

The Canadian said, looking at America concerned
America shrugged, turning back towards UN talking

"I'm just sick"

He mumbled, not wanting to start a full on conversation with Canada
From his side view, he saw Canada turn back around towards UN as well, looking like he was listening to every word UN was saying now
The American fiddled with his fingers, listening to a few words UN was saying about nukes, wars, and how some countries were misbehaving
And that's when he felt it
That splitting headache and the ringing in his ears returned
And just to his luck, it looked like UN had turned to question him about something
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"
He repeated in his head, just staring at UN with a blank stare, seeing UN roll his eyes as his mouth moved again, obviously pointed towards him again
The ringing still affected him, but when UN turned away it just got 10 times worse
America covered his ears and let his head hit hard against the table in front of him, hoping the ringing will go away
He felt eyes from all over burning into him, making his face and ears go hot, but he didn't care at this point, he was focused on getting the ringing in his ears to stop, also the splitting headache, which made him want to scream
He winced and begged for it to stop, and as if his body heard him, it stopped
Not fading away, it just stopped out of the blue
America slowly lowered his hands off his ears, wanting to cry badly, but he knew he couldn't in front of all of the countries
He felt someone touch his shoulder, and before the figure could speak, he shrugged the hand off him
He took his head off of the table and stood up, going to the back of his chair and pushing it hard, so it hit against the table
He saw a few countries jump, and America sighed, turning on his heel, and walking away from that horrid place
He knew everything was gonna get worse from this point on

now it gets interesting ;]

Thank you for reading this, and again, I hope you stick around for more!!

- ♡

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