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Well, it's been..a while
The hospital room was deathly quiet, since everyone had left, splitting the remaining states that had poofed
Over the past two days, almost 20 states had been poofed from America's head
Let's see..
The states that disappeared are Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hapshire, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, along with the other states that died in those last few chapters.
Tragic, I know
America had asked about the deal, and Mississippi told him, in a whisper, that the Confederate wanted them to betray America and join him, promising not to hurt them and instead let them rise up with him
All of them declined the Confederate's offer, making the unrecognized country even more mad then he was
So, the remaining states in America's head are
Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas
Your state make it? Congrats!
Ok, let's get to where we should be! 2 days in the future
Pennsylvania wanted ice for his arm, he had pulled up his arm sleeve to see a forming bruise on the place the Confederacy grabbed onto
America was pissed at the Confederate for using one of his states to stop him from walking towards him, so were many other states
It didn't even matter if the rude country was nice to any of the states, no one cared anymore, they wanted him gone
But so far, no luck, he wasn't leaving anytime soon
America's states were getting weaker by the second, and so was he, he didn't know how much longer he was gonna last, he just needed to cherish the states he had left, and he did that, making sure to hug them and let them lean onto him, since the small children were very weak


But, back in the real world
Of course, the states that had been poofed to the world had to be seperated between the countries
Though, a certain country was quickly running towards the Russian's house holding the vase with the flower in it, making sure not to touch it on the way
He arrived at the Russian's house, almost tripping as he went towards the front door, knocking hard and fast on it, impatient
Russia tiredly opened the door, he was done with watching the states he was assigned to, but he managed to put them all to bed
Poor Russia wasn't even able to sit on the couch, Germany had knocked before he could get there
The Russian looked at the German irritated as hell

"Can I come in?"

Germany asked, and Russia just nodded, opening the door wider for Germany to come in

"Do you perhaps have a vase and some dirt, Russia?"

Germany asked, his words fast and almost non understandable with his accent mixing in, but Russia understood

"Yes, Whyy?"

Russia asked, dragging out the Y
Germany just nodded and placed the deadly flower on the counter, and Russia observed it as he let Germany rummage through his cabinets, looking for a vase, not answering the question
Russia had the urge to touch it, the flower was just so mesmerizing, but he had some common sense in him, and he didn't touch the flower
Germany snapped his head towards Russia

"Can you get the dirt please?"

Russia just nodded again to the question, dissapearing and going outside to go get some dirt from his shed
Meanwhile, Germany grabbed a small packet from his pocket, the feeling of the material was a bit weird
The german was able to come up with a sample of the cure, following his father's directions
Why did Nazi have those directions? Easy, in case one of his allies touched the flower, he could cure them, but he never was able to make it or try it out, just going based of guesses, so Germany prayed that this would work
Russia came back with the dirt package from the shed, placing it on the counter
Germany grabbed it, and since it was already open, poured some into the vase
He grabbed the small packet, and Russia became curious
The german opened the packet and poured out two seeds onto his hand, it took him a while to make those single two seeds, give the man some credit
He put the two seeds into the vase with dirt in it, then grabbing more dirt and putting it over the seeds, covering it just enough that the seeds would still grow
He looked at Russia, who was looking curiously at Germany
Germany rolled his eyes a little at Russia, but he wasn't annoyed

"Can you get some water maybe, Russia?"

The russian nodded and walked over to his cabinet, grabbing a glass and filling it with the tap water from the sink
He turned to see Germany by the window, the sun shining on the vase
Germany held out his hand, and Russia handed him the glass of water, now watching what was gonna happen

"This better work.."

Germany muttered, pouring some water into the vase, making sure not to drown the seeds
Germany stepped back a little and put the glass on the counter, Russia stayed in the same place

"The notebook said it should take a little, I mean, that plant over there only took 10 minutes to grow"

Germs said, gesturing to the deathly plant that was innocently sitting on the counter
Russia nodded

"Well, what should we do while we wait..?"

"Maybe..I don't know, I wanna watch this flower grow honestly"

"Shit, that's like watching grass grow, Germany"

The german scoffed at the response, leaning on the counter and closing his eyes, sighing

"Jesus christ, this is all my fault, ain't it?"

He mumbled and Russia shrugged

"Half and Half, maybe don't listen to an evil dictator next time"

"You're great help, Russia"

Germany said sarcasticly, making Russia chuckle as he jumped onto the counter, now sitting on it

"No problem. But really, it's not your fault. You did tell me that you were just listening to your father. I could never not listen to my father.."

On that last sentence, he got a bit quiet, and Germany breathed out a sigh

"Eh, I guess you're right, but if the information I told you ever gets out, I'll have to move to Mars or something"

"I heard the storms there are pretty harsh"

It was Germany's turn to chuckle, opening his eye and looking at Russia

"You promise you won't tell anyone what I told you?"

"Promise, wanna shake on it? No spit please, I've seen America do that"

"That's nasty"

The two of them laughed and brought up their hands, shaking on the promise

Informational chapter? The next chapter will be more interesting
Also, lemme know what type of Q&A you want! Author, or would you like to ask the characters in the book?
Or both? I don't care, I just want some way to thank you all for the support
Thank you for reading ^^

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