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The doctor asked the two in the room, and they both whipped around

"We are nurses under training"

Germany quickly spit out, and Russia held back the urge to roll his eyes

"But, no nurses are allowed in here?"

The doctor asked, confused
Germany looked a bit nervous, and Russia started to wonder why he was with this idiot

"Well, we were allowed in here, I think you might have been told the wrong thing buddy"

Russia said, walking over to the doctor and swinging his arm around his shoulders

"Maybe you should check again, cause we were told that we were allowed in here"

Russia said again, smiling innocently at the doctor
The doctor looked pretty scared, and quickly got out of Russia's grip, walking away
The Russian then turned to Germany, starting to slow clap

"Wow, great lie, germs"

"Don't call me germs"

Germany glared at the other
Russia sighed and closed the door as Germany stuffed his hand in his pocket, pulling out a needle, and Russia looked confused

"A needle?"

"No, this clearly a straw, you big doof"

Germany responded with sarcasm, the Russian rolling his eyes
The german grabbed America's hand gently, pulling it up and sticking the needle in his bare wrist carefully, and then Russia looked away, not liking the sight of that for some reason
Germany pulled out some blood, and then turned towards the other country, who was turned away

"So, what did you and America talk about at the meeting?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Russia"

The german responded, walking over to a counter that was in the room and grabbing a plastic bag to put the needle in

"Why do you need that needle?"

"I'll answer that if you answer my question"

Russia grumbled at that

"Fine fine, I just asked how he was and he told me what was happening"

Germany gave him a 'are you serious?' look, and Russia quickly caught on

"What? I answered"

"Yes, you did answer, I need description, what did America say??"

The Russian hesitated

"why do you need to know?"


"What TYPE of research?"

It was the german's turn to hesitate, but he quickly calmed down and rolled his eyes

"I'm just testing to see where my flower went.."

"Flower? What does it look like?"

"It is a weird flower, it has a black stem with a white flower, I planted it a while back"

The russian nodded, taking in this new information and keeping in mind that this flower was white with a black stem

"Alright, can we leave this room now? I need to get home"

Germany asked, and Russia nodded again, and they both left the room

Yeah, america heard that whole conversation, and he was left in shock
He heard the doors to the room slam shut
So, Germany planted the flower he grabbed a while ago, and this flower was on his mother's side of the bed
Well, he knew he was in a coma, and so was his mother, so maybe he got the same fate as his mother?
Well, he hoped his mother was doing at least a little better
He let out a sigh, feeling a little lonely
He then smiled and snapped his fingers, his states!
His states were usually in his mind, they couldn't roam around unless America fell apart
He tried to focus, hoping that he could maybe see his states
There was silence, and then he heard a quiet voice ask


America opened his eyes to see Hawaii looking down at him, since he was sitting down

"Hello Hawaii"

The small state smiled and waved
He heard footsteps coming up, and he felt a bunch of people hug him from behind
He laughed a little and turned around, seeing all his states, but something was wrong
His states looked as bad as he did, all them had pitch black eyes like he did, some of them were grey and some had small cracks forming on their arms
It seems Florida read his worry, and the state smiled weakly

"We've been like this ever since you touched that weird flower"

"I'm surprised it took this long to actually affect you, America"

Utah butted in, recieving a small glare from Florida
America sighed as a small hand reached out, and he looked up to see Texas holding his hand out for him to grab, and America took his hand, getting pulled up off the ground
America took this chance to look around
It was, kind of dull in here, it was just a black empty space with a few rooms on the side, assuming that is where the states slept
Mississippi looked to where America was looking and sighed

"We have not been able to sleep since you went into the coma for some reason"

The state said, New York nodding in agreement

"I mean, I almost fell asleep, but it was if something just stopped me from fully falling asleep"

The empire state said this time, and America hummed, showing he understood

"Well, hopefully I can wake up sooner or later, so you guys can sleep"

Indiana smiled at that

"Man, that would be nice, but do you know when you are gonna wake up?"

He asked, and America shrugged, glaring at the ground

"I don't know.."

"I've gotta feeling this is all Germany's fault.."

Wisconsin commented, and Connecticut nodded in agreement

"Agreed, we all heard what he said.."

He said, all states nodding in agreement to Colorado's statement

"I mean, this has been happening to us since America touched the flower, and Germany said he apparently planted the flower?"

New Mexico questioned, and Minnesota nodded

"Yeah..why would he do this to us though?"

Minnesota asked mostly to himself, and Vermont and Pennsylvania glanced at each other in shock
They both nodded and looked back towards the states

"What if Germany is trying to hurt, or worse, kill us..?"

Tf is wrong with you Germany

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