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China breathed out a sigh as he drove on the road, trying to ignore the yelling and hits he and Confederacy were recieving from two states
He knew he was going way past the speed limit, but he was actually pretty scared of that one state that was trying to bite him, he ran pretty fast, and the Chinese man really wanted to get away quickly
The Confederate turned around to yell at Texas and Tennessee, only to get hit in the face
Confederacy was really petty at the moment, so he just smacked Texas's hand before it hit him again
Mississippi had tried to break the window, but to no avail, that plan didn't work, the windows wouldn't break like they did in movies
Alabama tried to open the door, but that didn't work either, the car was locked
After the smack Texas had received, Tenessee sunk down in his seat, not wanting to get hit
Texas and Confederacy got into a small cat fight, and since Texas was taller since the Confederate last saw him, it was a fair fight
China groaned, he was happy he had great focus, cause if he was any other country, they would have crashed by now
Confederacy slapped Texas, hard, and Texas moved away, shrinking into his seat like Tenessee did, the car becoming silent
All 4 states had given up, they couldn't break the tinted windows, and they couldn't fight their captors
China was glaring at the confederation who turned back to stare out the front window
Yeah, it's official, China didn't like working with this childish dead country that appeared out of nowhere very much, he only did it cause he didn't really like America, and besides, why not?
You might be asking
"What about North Korea?"
Ok, no one did ask, but I'm telling you anyways, bear with me
Of course they knew they left without him, but North was pretty fast, he was a bit taller then confederacy, somehow..
So, they counted on him running back to China's house
Speaking of, his house was in the distance
China sped the car up and everyone in the car leaned against the back of their seats, when China got close he stopped the car suddenly, causing everyone to fly forward, confederacy hitting his head aganist the dashboard while Tennessee and Mississippi hit their heads against the chair's in front of them


Alabama yelled at China, pretty angry
The two countries got out of the car and shut the doors, opening the one's to the back seat and grabbing the states, forcefully
They all tried to run away, but each country had a tight grip on them
They both dragged the states inside the house, Tenessee screaming for China to let him go
No one was around except them, no way was that dammed country letting go
They walked to the front door, seeing it was already open, that was most likely due to North Korea getting there first
Well, their suspicions were correct, when they got inside and shut the door, North Korea was on the couch, reading a damn book
He looked over and had to hold in a laugh
Confederacy rolled his eyes and walked over to the basement door with the two states, having to open it with his foot and drag the states down, both states screaming out of fear
China followed after, North yelling

"I got one on my way back!"

China and Confederacy shared a look as they went downstairs
There, sitting in the corner, was New York
The two countries threw the other four with York, then left, slamming and locking the door
The four looked at New York, who was shaking and looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he was fighting them back
Texas was the one to go over near the almost broken state

"What happened?"

The Texan asked softly, surprising the other three, no one was very used to Texas being so..quiet?

"I-I was going out for a walk, Nada let me, and I saw North Korea running past, a bit of a limp in his step. He saw me and ran over and grabbed me. We were near Canada's house, and while I was getting dragged by North Korea, I saw Russia. I tried to scream out and ask for help, but Korea threw me around like I was some type of doll. I assume he had to drag me here, cause I can't remember anything past him hitting my head against a tree"

It was then York's tears came flowing out, and Texas was quick to hug comfort the state
The four quickly caught on that North Korea had beat up York for trying to ask for help, the bruises and dried blood on his clothes and face were very visable
Tenessee took this time to try and find some type of escape
The room didn't have any windows, but it did have a single light, so the room was kind of dim
It was a little small as well, and Tennessee went aganist the wall and started to pull the bricks, hoping to find a loose one so they could maybe break out of here
The other two looked over to observe what Tennessee was doing, then looked at each other
Texas was left comforting the state while Alabama looked around for a key or bobby pin left on the ground, Mississippi and Tenessee left looking for a loose brick that was still in the wall
In short, all the states were mega pissed, all of them wanted to get out so badly and hurt North Korea for hurting York. In fact, they wanted to hurt the three that were sitting up there all calm and shit. But, they were going to have to find a way out first


Germany and the states he was with had went back into the house with the help of Kentucky, he opened the front door for them
Missouri flopped onto the couch will the other three made a beeline for the kitchen, all of them needed ice
Germany was panicked. Great, he was gonna have to get some states back, he was just hoping to get all the states and form America again, but noo, the three idiot countries had to kidnap a few
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he shoved his hand in the pocket and pulled out the phone, seeing who was calling him
It was Canada apparently, and he answered and put it on speaker


"Germany, I need to tell you something, are you at your house?"

This grabbed most of the state's attention, most of them looking over

"I'm at Russia's house, and I have something to tell you too, you go first though"

"Alright alright. So, New York wanted to get some fresh air, and it's been way to long, he said he was just gonna be gone for 10 minutes, it's been 30. What happened to you?"

The three that were in the kitchen walked out of the kitchen and looked at the phone
Jersey walked over, holding ice on his arm

"Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Tennessee were kidnapped by China and the stupid Confederate"

Most states that didn't know this already widened their eyes, most of them mad, basically ready to punch someone
Penn walked over this time, holding ice on his eye that got punched by North Korea

"Me and Jersey saw North Korea walk away, I have a small hypothesis"

"Ok ok, Canada, call the other's that have states and tell them to come back to Russia's house, we really need to talk"

Yo, who else going to Area 51? We shall meet in the Cafeteria lmao

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