Chapter Sixteen

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Jacob returns home having not seen from Catherine in a week, he's trying not to worry, or panic, or go through withdrawal symptoms, he jogs into his house, he's been getting texts, short ones, saying she's okay but she can't get away, what ever that 'important' thing Rose wanted must be very important, to keep her away from him. Seth follows behind Jacob, the kid's been pretty attached to Jacob the last week, he thinks it's to do with all the others being all loved up with imprints and without Catherine around Jacob isn't as bad, so here he is. Jacob pauses, Billy and Charlie sit at the table, Charlie looking worried. Jacob has a bad feeling about this. Seth bumps into his back.

"Ow" Seth complains.

"Hey, Son" Billy greets. "Seth" Seth waves.

"What's going on?" Jacob asks warily.

"Bella called him" Billy offers referring to Charlie who stands.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while" Charlie and Jacob shakes hands. "You okay?" Jacob nods.

"So, you finally heard from Bella?" He asks crossing his arms over her chest.

"They're extending their trip. Seems she caught a bug. They wanna wait until she feels better before they travel" Jacob frowns and thinks on Catherine's important family issue, he looks to Billy and then back to Charlie.

"She's sick?" he asks.

"Yeah, she told me not to worry, but she sounded, I don't know, off"

"She'll be okay, Charlie. Come on. Let's eat" Billy looks to Jacob. "Jacob, let it go. She'll be fine" they both know he means Catherine there, Jacob shakes his head, knowing that this could shake her, everything that's been good between them, Bella and Edward have been away and gone and if they are back, Jacob turns and leaves, Seth following him, again.


Jacob jogs faster up the Cullen steps and knocks on the door, Seth sits on the grass behind him, waiting. Jacob runs his hands through his had and rubs the back of his neck, Carlisle is the one to open the door, he gives Jacob a sad look.

"Where is she?" Jacob asks.

"Jake, is that you?" Bella calls, Jacob rolls his eyes. Yep, that's why Catherine's been off. Jacob looks to Carlisle who nods up the stairs, Jacob jogs up the stairs and pauses at the living room, he steps in and looks to Bella and then to Edward who pulls a face looking away from Jacob. "Jake. I'm glad you came" Bella tells him, Jacob looks around the room, all of the other leeches are that, all but Catherine and Rosalie. Emmett clears his throat and Jacob looks to him.

"She's upstairs" Emmett tells him, Bella frowns and looks between them.

"Jake?" she asks, Edward looks to Jacob who crosses his arms over his chest and raises an eyebrow at Edward.

"I'm going to find Cat" Jacob states and then leaves the room.

"Jake?" Bella asks frowning. "Why is he looking for her?" Bella sneers. Edward looks to her.


"Cat?" Jacob states walking into her room, Rosalie sits with Catherine's head in her lap, even for a vampire, Catherine looks pale, she looks to him.

"Jake" she whispers, he nods and moves to her, Rosalie slipping out of the way for him. Catherine sits up and lets him strokes her cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks softly, presses his forehead to hers.

"I'm sorry" she whispers, he pulls her closer and kisses her, she nuzzles into his neck as he holds her close to him, threads his fingers into her hair and kisses her head. Pulls her onto his lap and lets her curl up with him. "Do you know why?" she asks, he frowns. "Why they're back?" she elaborates. He shakes his head. She sighs and stands taking his hand. "Come on" she pulls him up, he frowns at her and follows her back downstairs. "They came back a week ago" he nods.

"When you...?" she nods and looks to him.

"Yeah" he pulls her to a stop, cups her face, she turns into it and closes her eyes. "Jake" she whispers and steps away, he hangs his head and follows her down the stairs. She stops in the doorway to the living room, Jacob stood at her back. Edward looks to them, Jacob sensing her distress moves to comfort Catherine, she looks to him as he wraps an arm around her shoulders and kisses her head. Bella raises an eyebrow watching them.

"Seriously?" she asks, Jacob growls into Catherine's hair.

"Bella" Edward warns softly, she looks to him, he shakes his head. "He imprinted"

"Yeah, but on a vampire? On her?" Bella asks. "Can that happen?"

"It has" Catherine states.

"Really?" Bella asks looking to her. "Cause Edward told me about your gift...that you can make people do what you want" Catherine breathes out a laugh as Carlisle looks horrified at the idea.

" least she didn't steal someone else's husband, mistress" Jacob states. Bella's eyes widen slightly, that coming from Jacob, who is suppose to be her friend. Emmett smirks a little, even Jasper does a little.

"Jake" Catherine warns shooting him a look.

"And look I imprinted before I even knew who she was...." Jacob adds.

"And I had no idea about your relationship with Jake until about ten days ago" Catherine states. "Believe it or not, the world doesn't actually revolve around you" Catherine states, Jacob smirks and he and Catherine high five. "Oh I have missed you" she tells Jacob who smiles wider at her. They can all see it, the change in Catherine with Jacob around, like a switch instantly switched inside of her, she's lighter, and smiling, and her eyes are sparkling and alive.

"So what's the big deal, anyway?" Jacob asks pulling Catherine closer, she wraps her arm around his back.

"Esme, you wanna help me up?" Bella asks, with Esme's help and Jacob sees she has a huge pregnant belly, he raises an eyebrow and looks to Catherine, understands a lot more why she's been upset, another thing she can't have.

"Well......." Jacob is at a loss on what to say. "I..."

"Yeah" Catherine agrees, he looks to her, she looks back at him. He rests his chin on the top of her head and looks to Carlisle, he's the smartest one, he'll have the answers.

"What is it?" he asks.

"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac"

"I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future any more" Alice offers.

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing"

"Why haven't you done anything?" Seth asks. Jacob and Catherine turn around to look at him, he stands behind them, he looks very upset. "Take it out of her!" Seth growls.

"All this fighting isn't good for Bella" Esme offers, Catherine rolls her eyes.

"Of course" Catherine states. "Her well being comes first" she states sourly.

"Catherine" Carlisle warns.

"Don't" Jacob growls. "Talk to her like that, like she's second best, this whole time you've all been neglecting her..." Jacob looks to Rosalie and Emmett. "Not you know what I mean" he turns to the others. "Where was your concern for her happiness?" Jacob looks to Catherine.

"Jacob" Catherine whispers, he looks to her and she shakes her head.

"You're too nice" he tells her. "You won't tell any of them have any idea what this has really been like for you?"

"It doesn't matter any more" she tells him, takes his arm. "Jake..." she whispers and smiles at him. "It's okay, I have you now" he smiles back at her and strokes her cheek, he sighs and nods pressing his forehead to hers, Bella rolls her eyes.

"I should..." Jacob looks to Seth who nods. "We need to talk to Sam" he states and kisses Catherine. "I'll be back" he tells her. She nods and watches him go, Seth glances to Bella sadly before following. Catherine's entire being just....drains without Jacob, she wraps an arm around herself.

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