Chapter Twenty Five

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Carlisle shines a light in Catherine's eyes, watches them react before pulling away, he frowns and looks to Jacob.

"Well?" Jacob asks taking Catherine's hand.

"Something isn't right" Carlisle tells him. "I just....I can't put my finger on it" Catherine looks down at Niklaus in her arms, she smiles at him, all dopey and loving, like how Jacob looks at her. "I'd like to take some blood, run a physical, I just want to make sure everything really is in order here....."

"Why do you think it isn't?" Jacob asks.

"Because she doesn't smell human" Carlisle answers. "And she doesn't look human, her's too.....flawless, it's too...hard" Carlisle shifts closer. "Okay, Cat, tell me what you can hear?" he asks. Catherine looks to him.

"I can hear Jacob's heart, and Leah and Jared's next door, there is something faster downstairs, I am guessing that's the half human child, and Seth, I can also hear the cars on the freeway" Carlisle nods.

"So your vampire hearing is in tact....smell, tell me what you smell" Catherine sighs and looks to him.

"Look, I'll save you the trouble, I can still do it all, I can still smell everything, and hear everything, and.." Emmett throws a book at her and her hand flashes up and catches it, Emmett smirks as she looks to him, he shrugs at her glare. "My reflexes are in place" she throws the book back at Emmett who grunts catching it. "Strength too..." she looks to Carlisle. "I can see everything, every single hair on my sons head and the lines on Jacob's perfect face" Jacob smirks. She then starts laughing and they all look at her weird. "And apparently my son is gifted, because he just thought at me" she tells them, Carlisle raises an eyebrow.

"What did he say?" Catherine smiles warmly at Niklaus.

"That he wants his daddy" she states and looks to Jacob who smiles. Jacob takes Niklaus from her and she moves closer to him. "I don't know what happened to me, but I feel better then I ever have" she tells Carlisle. "A little hungry but I was hungry before..." she looks to Jacob who smiles at her, she reaches up and touches his cheek, he leans into her hand. Carlisle looks to them both and nods standing.

"I don't know what to say or do here......if anything changes....tell me" they both nod but otherwise ignore him. Carlisle smiles at them both before leaning. Jacob leans closer to Catherine.

"I thought I'd lost you" he tells her. "I thought you were gone" he pulls her closer to kiss her. "I thought.."

"I'm right here" she tells him, shifting closer to him, Niklaus firmly in his arms. "I'm right here....and we have a son" she tells him, he nods and kisses her again.


Jacob watches Catherine sleep, actually sleep, he smiles and shakes his head and looks to Niklaus.

"Seems we both got lucky" he tells the child before walking out the room with him and heading downstairs, Seth looks up from the sofa where Renesmee sleeps in his arms.

"Hey" Seth greets, Jacob nods and smiles. "It happened then? What did you get?" Jacob chuckles a little.

"A boy" he answers sitting next to him. "Seth, meet Niklaus Carlisle Hale-Black"

"Nice" Seth states looking down at Niklaus. "He suits it"

"How's the half-human?" Jacob asks.

"She's perfect" Seth looks down at Renesmee with that dopey imprint look. Jacob smiles knowing that look. Leah walks in and smiles at the two wolves holding babies.

"Well if that isn't the most manly thing I've ever seen" she teases, Jacob shoots her a look. " I get to hold the mini-wolf?" she asks, Jacob chuckles and stands moving to Leah, he holds out Niklaus and Leah takes him gently in her arms and looks down at him. Leah meets Niklaus' eyes for the first time, she imprints on him, seeing his future from child to a grown man. Leah's eyes widen. Jacob and Seth look at her and then each other. Jacob then looks to Leah, he sighs.

"Well....I suppose it could be worse" he states, Leah shoots him a look.


Catherine pulls her hair over her shoulder as she ventures into the living room, Jacob sleeps with his head thrown back, snoring away, a Clearwater on each side of him, Renesmee with Seth and Niklaus with Leah, they're all fast asleep.

"Catherine" Esme states behind her, ringing her hands together. "I know....I've been a terrible mother recently"

"It's okay" Catherine tells her without turning around. "You did what you thought was best" she's oddly calm, her eyes changing to that of wolf eyes, claws extending from her nails. "It was the wrong thing thought it was the best thing to do" she takes a deep breath and her eyes change back, the claws sheathing again, before she turns to Esme. "I get it, I wasn't....I'm not everyone's favourite....but you treated me like crap" Esme nods. "Like I wasn't ever part of this family...." Jacob grunts as he wakes an looks to his girlfriend. "I've been a part of this family far longer then her....where was your loyalty, Esme?" Catherine asks smirking, and it's dark.

"Cat" Jacob states walking towards her, Catherine turns and smiles lovingly at him.

"Jake" she whispers and moves to him, he pulls her closer and hugs her tightly. Still not really believing that she's alive and well and in his arms. He kisses her head, she pulls back. "Where is he?" she asks, Jacob wraps an arm around her waist and leads her over to where Leah sleep.

"Don't freak out" he tells her. "But it seems we've gained a wolf" he tells her, she raises an eyebrow. "Leah imprinted on Niklaus"

"Seems she's stuck with us" Catherine teases. "The wolf, the half wolf half vampire and whatever I am now" Jacob hums in agreement.

"We'll figure that out" Jacob tells her, promising.

"I know, I just want to hold my son" Jacob nods and plucks Niklaus from Leah before handing him over to Catherine who frowns. "I was only asleep a few hours right?" she asks noting his growth spurt.

"Yeah" he tells her. "They're both growing really fast" he tells her brushing her hair over her shoulder and kisses her neck.

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