Chapter Twenty Six

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Catherine sits with Jacob, Leah and Niklaus, Jacob nuzzles into Catherine's neck as Leah smiles down at Niklaus. They'd been asked to be around for the official welcoming Bella to the family thing. Jacob had argues and surprisingly Catherine had wanted to be there. Jacob takes her hand as Seth jogs into the room, he smiles at the little pack in the corner and moves to where Esme stands with Renesmee, whom Catherine has so far refused to have anything to do with, they know she's adjusting to everything at the moment. It's a new set up, the family, everything is different now, with the three wolves and two babies and Bella. Jasper and Emmett take a seat on the floor by Catherine who smiles at them both, Alice moves to Esme and Carlisle as Rosalie enters with a bottle, she moves to Niklaus and gives it to Leah who nods in thanks. Jasper squeezes Catherine's hand and smiles.

"I'm glad you're okay" he tells her, she smiles wider.

"So am I" She teases a little, Jasper chuckles. Catherine stiffens against Jacob's side as Bella and Edward enter, Jacob wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer, kisses her head. Carlisle smiles at Bella.

"Welcome to the family" he tells her, Alice smiles.

"You look amazing, Bella" Alice tells her.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you" Carlisle tells her.

"Esme" Esme holding Renesmee, turns to face them, Bella finally sees Renesmee, who looks a few months old, Esme hands over Renesmee to Bella and Renesmee tenderly touches Bella's face, Bella starts seeing image of herself when she gave birth to Renesmee.

"What was that?" Bella asks.

"She showed you the first memory she has of you" Edward answers.

"Showed me? How?"

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted" Bella notices how much older Renesmee looks for a new born baby.

"I've only been out for two days?"

"They're growth rate is unprecedented" Carlisle answers. Bella raises an eyebrow and then noticed Catherine and the baby in Leah's arms. Bella's jaw tightens. As Bella is holding onto Renesmee, Seth starts to act protective.

"All right. That's enough experimenting for one day"

"Seth. She's doing great" Edward tells the young wold.

"Yeah. Let's not push it though" Bella turns to Seth.

"What's your problem?"

"Oh. Do tell her, Seth" Rosalie sneers.

"This should be good" Emmett mumbles.

"Hold on a second" Edward takes Renesmee from Bella.

"Bella. Look, it's a wolf thing" Seth tells her.

"What's a wolf thing?"

"Um... You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise" Seth tells her.

"You imprinted on my daughter?" Bella snaps.

"You know they can't help it" Catherine states, Bella snaps her head to her and growls.

"Who asked you?" Bella sneers. "What are you even doing here? Hasn't it been made clear that no one wants you here"

"Bella" Carlisle warns, Catherine steps closer to Bella.

"Look closer" she tells her. Bella looks around, Jasper, Emmett, Jacob, Leah and Rosalie stand behind Catherine, Alice, Seth and Edward with Bella, though even Edward looks like he's on the fence, just like Carlisle and Esme. "I have been a part of this family since 1935, you think that you are going to be the one to drive me from it" Catherine smirks. "Oh please, you're not really that're actually boring, and you're not even that attractive at really?" Catherine looks to Edward. "Really? Her?" Catherine looks back to Bella. "I gave him up" she tells Bella. "I told him to go after you, did you know that? That I was the one to ditch him" Catherine looks to Bella's wedding ring. "He even used the same ring on're the rebound, sweetheart" Catherine smirks. Bella slaps her, Catherine's head snaps to the side, Jacob growls and steps forward, Catherine reaches up and touches her lip which bleeds. " made me bleed...." Catherine laughs, her eyes changing, canines enlarge and her claws retract, she growls and snaps her head back to Bella who stares at her hybrid face before stepping back. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Seth and Edward's eyes widen.

"You're a freak" Bella snarls at her.

"Catherine" Carlisle states. "I think we need to run those tests now"

"Those are wolf eyes" Seth states. "Why has she got wolf eyes?" he asks, Jacob moves and clutches Catherine's face, her fangs, eyes and claws returning to normal. Jacob then smiles and kisses her.

"You're my extraordinary freak" he tells her. She smiles at him and tugs him closer with a growl, Jacob smirks and kisses her harder. Bella scoffs.

"I bet you only got pregnant, somehow, because I did" Bella states, Esme shoots her a look, Catherine turns to Bella.

"Are you kidding me right now?" she asks. "Please, this whole time the only thing you have actually cared about....was becoming a vampire, you didn't care that you put your family at risk. Your friends. The entire town. This family" Carlisle steps between them and looks to Catherine.

"Come on, let's figure this out" he tells her, she rolls her eyes and follows him out the room, Jacob scoffs and looks to Bella.

"I can't believe you" he tells her. "Were you always such a bitch?" he asks, Bella looks to him surprised. He turns and looks to Leah who stands with Niklaus, they follow after Catherine.


Carlisle looks between Catherine's and Niklaus' blood, and then pushes himself away to look at Catherine and Jacob.

"I think that...when Niklaus bit through you amniotic sac....something occurred...I'm not sure what...but..I think it changed you, which is why you survived" Catherine sighs.

"So what? What am I?"

"Half wolf....half vampire" he tells her. "Just like your son"

"So...he can turn vampires into whatever we are?" she asks. "By biting them?" she asks. Carlisle leans on the table and nods.

"That's my best guess" he tells them. "The eyes, the fangs, the claws, that was part of your wolf manifesting...."

"So what now?" she asks.

"We play it by ear...there's never been anything like you or like Niklaus...."

"Can she shift?" Jacob asks.

"In theory?" Carlisle asks. "Possibly....I wouldn't know how she went about doing it...but..." Jacob looks to Catherine who pulls her sleeves down her arms nervously. Jacob reaches over and takes her hand.


Catherine lays curled up on her sofa, her knees pulled to her chest, Jacob leans in the doorway watching her sadly, knowing she's kind of freaking out of this whole thing. He walks towards her and sits next to her.

"Bella was right" she whispers. "I am a freak" she tells him, he leans over her, she straightens her body under him and he strokes her cheeks.

"We are all freaks" he tells her. "I still love you" he tells her. She looks to him, her eyes welling up.

"If you don't stop, I think I might actually cry" she tells him. He kisses her as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"You're just different now" he tells her. "And there's nothing wrong with that" he kisses her cheek.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now