Chapter Eighteen

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Jacob wraps an arm around Catherine as they stand in the living room with the others, he touches her side.

"Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity" Jacob tells them pulling Catherine closer, she knows he's worried, because she's stupid enough to fight for and with her family if it comes down to it, all for a human that destroyed her contentment, though how can she really hate her, it's all lead her to Jacob. She looks to the wolf softly.

"They won't get through without a fight" Emmett states.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty" Carlisle tells them all.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind" Jacob tells them.

"Not in ours" Esme states.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks" Emmett points out.

"We'll make do" Esme tells Emmett.

"You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you" Carlisle tells the wolf.

"I didn't do it for any of you" Jacob states and looks to Catherine. "Despite everything, she would fight for you, you're her family...." Catherine looks to Jacob. "And imprint or not..." he leaves that there. Catherine leans against his arm, Bella tightens her jaw watching them. That bond, in the space of three weeks Catherine achieved with Jacob what Bella couldn't in a 18 months. What she tried so hard to achieve when Edward had gone. Jacob looks at Catherine with such adoration and love. Like there's no one else in the world but her. Bella looks to Edward who's watching Catherine, Bella looks to her bump.


Later, the sun has set and Jacob stands with Leah, they both look out through the trees.

"I know they're out there somewhere, but I can't hear them any more" Jacob states. "It's so quiet"

"I stopped hearing them, too" Leah admits. "The second I decided to leave. It's nice"

"You know you can't stay here" Jacob states, Leah looks to him alarmed.

"But I don't have any place..."

"I can't trust you with the Cullens. You hate them too much. You don't even like me"

"I don't have to. I just have to follow you"

"Look, Seth doesn't want you here. Neither do I"

"Being unwanted isn't exactly a new thing for me." Leah states, Jacob doesn't reply. "Look, I'll stay out of your way. I'll do whatever you want, except go back to Sam's pack and be the pathetic ex-girlfriend he can't get away from" Jacob looks to her. "And I like Cat" Leah admits. Jacob looks to her. "Don't look so surprised, she's not like the others...and she understands" Leah mumbles, Jacob nods. "I just need to protect her right?" Leah offers. "Easy..." Jacob nods.

"Alright. I'm gonna do a perimeter run" Jacob offers.

"Hey" Catherine states leaving the house, Jacob smiles at her as Leah waves. "I brought food" she holds out two sandwiches. "I mean...I know the smell..." Jacob kisses her softly and smiles.

"Thank you" he tells her.

"Thanks" Leah states taking a sandwich from Catherine. Jacob smiles at Catherine.

"I was just about to do a run..."

"I'll stay with her" Leah offers, Catherine smiles and nods.

"See...I'll chill out with Leah" she offers, Jacob looks between them and narrows his eyes.

"Not sure how I feel about this" he tells them walking away, Leah and Catherine share a look before they both laugh. Jacob looks to them and smiles.


Leah walks with Catherine through the trees, far enough from the treaty line that they are not in danger, cause Jacob would kill Leah if the first time protecting Catherine she got her killed.

"How do you do it?" Leah asks, Catherine looks to her. "Being.....around Bella and Edward?" Catherine shrugs.

"I have Jake" Catherine answers.

"But before Jake...."

"I left" Catherine reminds her. "I ran away....and well I spent the whole wedding plotting to kill everyone Bella ever loved soo...." Leah chuckles and they share a look. "I guess it was harder for you, sharing a pack mind" Catherine offers. Leah shrugs. "You might imprint"

"I might, yeah" Leah nods. "'s supposed to be rare" Leah tells her. "So far most of the pack has imprinted, chances get slimmer for me" Catherine shrugs.

"Says the first female shifter ever" Catherine teases, Leah laughs and looks to her.

"Okay, I see your point....never say never"

"Yeah, like a wolf imprinting on a vampire, or a vampire impregnating a human" Catherine looks to Leah. "It's been a weird year" Leah hums and nods in agreement, Catherine stumbles and catches herself on a tree, Leah frowns and moves to her side.

"Cat" she asks. "You okay?"

"Yeah" Catherine answers. "Just....dizzy" she offers, surprised, she stands and looks to Leah who frowns worried.

"Vampires get dizzy?" Leah asks, Catherine shakes her head.

"No....." Catherine looks away. "Don't...say anything, it's probably nothing"

"Are you sure? I should tell Jake"

"Please, he'll just worry and with everything..." Catherine begs. Leah nods, sees her point.

"Alright, but if it happens again" she warns, Catherine nods.

"I'll tell someone" Catherine promises, Leah nods.


Jacob collapses onto Catherine's sofa, his head in her lap, so tired, he thinks to himself as he nuzzles into her stomach. She smiles a little and strokes his cheek, he smiles. How'd he get so lucky? His imprint is so....perfect. He wraps his arms around her waist, sliding his hand under the back of her shirt to stroke her back.

"Sleep" she tells him softly. "You look tired" he peeks up at her.

"So do you" he tells her back. "When did you last feed?" he asks her, she shrugs. "Cat"

"Just after the wedding, before the airport" she tells him. "I binged for the flight"

"That's three weeks" he tells her sitting up, cupping her cheek. Looks to her eyes, now practically black and sunken. "Cat" How had he not noticed.

"I'm okay" she tells him taking his hand and kisses his palm. "I'll be okay" he sighs and moves to nuzzle into her neck, she smiles and lets him curl up with her, his vampire teddy bear for his nap. He smirks to himself and kisses her neck.

"Love you" he mumbles, she smiles and strokes his back.

"I love you too" Catherine chuckles lightly when he starts to snort, she looks out the window to Leah who smiles, Catherine waves and Leah waves back before heading into the trees.

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