Vida x Reader

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This was requested by @hailisaw: the reader could be someone that Vida sort of lets her guard down to. She's a bit more affectionate around them rather than keeping her hard exterior. I finally got around to doing this! And my EoG (End of grade) assessments are finally over! I did this in a rented minivan because my family's flight from Denver to Atlanta was cancelled—along with all of the other flights—because of the weather (there was hail). Now, we have to drive over 20 hours!

Y/n - Your name

Y/e/c - Your eye color

I glanced at the blue and brown-haired girls from the damp mat I was standing on, my breaths ragged from the intense sparring that had left my opponent--a slightly pudgy older boy with shoulder-length pitch black hair, now spread across the mat in a stringy halo around his pale face, and piercing brown eyes, currently closed from a particularly strong hit to the front. I smirked at the pair, the new girl's eyes already dropping from exhaustion after only three and a half minutes, Vida smirking as Ruby let her guard down from her left side.

A simper soon graced my lips as one of my best friends swung her knee around to Ruby's left stomach, making her let out a yelp of pain, crumbling to the ground soon after. She brought up her forearm in a weak attempt to block her next moves, though, as expected, it was a failure. One after the other, Vida kept bringing her fists down on the poor girl, not stopping even after it was clear she wasn't going to get back up to continue the fight. A frown replaced my smile when I realized she was in a trance--she didn't know how much she was hurting the girl.

I looked towards the instructor, expecting him to stop the blood bath, only to be met by the horrifying sight of him staring at them, a monstrous smirk on his face and a murderous glint in his cold, dead eyes. I knew it was time to intervene, based on the deep crimson liquid now spewing from the somehow conscious pale face of Ruby.

"Hey," I roared at Vida, my fists grasping her shoulders in a strive to pry her off of Ruby, "That's enough! You already won! There's no point in trying to kill her!"

Her murky eyes snapped back to the vibrant, chocolate brown orbs that I fell in love with. She shook her shoulders out of my stone grip, raising from her position--straddling Ruby's waist--as she pushed her way through the dispersing crowd that had gathered to watch the fight. I looked at the girl lying on the mat, fading in and out of consciousness, bending over and gathering her in my arms as I exited the room, not giving a second thought to the angered bellowing of Instructor Johnson.


After I dropped Ruby in the hospital ward, explaining what had happened to the bewildered nurses taking her in, I quickly weaved through the crowds of Psi kids--towards the shared room. I approached the room; a blue, sparkly Do Not Disturb sign hanging off a flimsy strip of tape. Jude had made one for everyone--Ruby, Nico, Vida, himself, and me--when he realized that sometimes the people he lived with--especially the girls, he learned, when it was that time of the month--wanted to be left alone at times. I ignored the warning, opening the door, slowly. Vida was there, her head resting in her hands, her shoulders convulsing with silent sobs.

I tip-toed to her, filled with worry, as I spoke. "Are you okay, Vida?"

"No . . ." She replied, her voice scratchy and hollow.

I sat on her black bedspread next to her, settling my hand on her back, rubbing circles on the skin exposed by her sports bra, her sobs slowly coming to a halt the longer I stayed there.

Ten minutes later, she had cased crying.

"Would you like to talk now?"

She took a deep breath, her eyes closing as she began. "My brain subconsciously turned her face into my sister's . . ."

"Oh, Vida," I symphonized as her sobbing commenced, once again. "It's okay. It's okay, Mi Amor."

She buried her head between my shoulder blade and my neck, her tears soaking into the straps of my halter-top styled sports bra, bouncing off the silver chain of my dog tags.

After another twenty minutes, her crying had, once again stopped.

Removing her head from my shoulder, she mumbled, "I ruined your shirt--well, bra."

I chuckle passed through my naturally light pink-colored lips. "That doesn't matter, Vi. I have more."

A laugh materialized from her lips, as well, as she took a deep breath in from her nose.

"Are you sniffing me?"

"Yes," she replied, "You smell like leather, roses, and lavender, y/n."

I laughed, once again, as the words surpassed her lips. I glanced down at the blue-haired girl resting on my chest, my y/e/c studying her slim, fit frame. I glanced away, my cheeks reddening slightly--however, not enough to be noticeable. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her glance up at me--that glance soon turning into a stare.

I turned my head towards her, locking eyes with her for a split second, a flicker of something pass through her eyes, before she looked down, her cheeks heating up and turning red.

I smirked, using my index finger to gently tilt her head back up, positioned in such a way that if she tried to turn away, she couldn't. Her eyes locked with mine, once again, as I leaned closer to her slightly.

She closed her eyes for a millisecond and I did it. My lips crashed on to hers, in a slow kiss. I could feel her freeze under the pressure of my lips, hesitating for only a moment before she responded, kissing back with as much love as I kissed her with, our lips moving in sync.


I watched Jude question Vida and Ruby from the other side of the grey table, a smirk dancing on my lips as I watched Vida sass and insult one of her best friends with every breath.

Ten minutes later, Vida had finally been able to escape the jaws of Jude's interrogation, flopping down on my bed as I leaned back, eyes scanning over the pages of the book.

"So, what was Jude questioning you about?" I pretended to play dumb, unable to help the enormous grin that stretched across my features, a mimicking smile in her face.

"Shut up," she muttered, a blush coating her cheeks as I pressed my lips against hers, pretending like we didn't hear the door open, Jude coming in, and yelling like an idiot before running out, mumbling an apology.

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