Chapter 2

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Abigail walked briskly along the side of the road home. Every step pounded in her head. The more she moved the more nauseous she was becoming. She needed to lie down.

Her home was on the outskirts of the town. A good two miles that seemed as if it had doubled somehow overnight. She focused only on the ground hoping it would keep her from disgracing herself all over the ground.

The wind picked up and blew her hair away from her face. The cool January air felt wonderful upon her. She inhaled deeply, it helped settle her stomach. If the wind kept blowing she knew she could make it home.

Without warning a hand closed over her right shoulder. Her scream ripped through the air causing her to have a sharp stabbing pain in her temples. The pain made her sway and grab her head. The hand that startled her reaching out and steadied her. Wincing she peeked up at the man that held her in his arms. Noticing it was the man from the doctors she relaxed.

"Are you okay, Miss Willhoite?" His voice was laced with concern.

"Yes, I will be fine." A wave of nausea hit her. Doubling over she empties her stomach of her breakfast at the mans feet. Unaware he was holding her hair back from her face, she leaned back shielding her face from him. Her cheeks were a bright shade of pink.

Matthew handed her a handkerchief from his breast pocket and turned and waved behind him to a waiting coach. The driver slapped the reins and pulled up beside them. Abby quickly wiped her mouth and shoved the handkerchief towards Matthew.

"Keep it."

He smiled at her amused at how red she was from embarrassment. It was a genuine smile at Abby. She was accustomed to the townsfolk smiling at her only out of politeness. But this smile changed his whole face. His demeanor at Dr. Jon's was arrogant and quite smug. He was looking at her now with warmth as if she was a new puppy.

He touched her elbow lightly, urging yet protective towards the coach door.

"I will see you home. I am afraid you are NOT well." His voice changed as he emphasized his concern.

Abby snatched her elbow from his grasp.

"Truly, I am well enough to continue on my own."

She took a step back away from him and squared her shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. She was smart, and was no fool to be abducted by this man. There has been news of girls being abducted. Taken from the streets never to be heard of again.

Matthew seen the determination in her eyes and mistook it for stubbornness.

"You will let me take you home." He took a step towards her.

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head retreating in response.  He watched her carefully. She reminded him of a scared doe. Not sure if she should flee or stand her ground. He knew he had to relax her and convince her he wasn't a threat. He looked down at his shoes and back at Abigail.

"My shoes would beg to differ that you are well enough to travel the rest of the way to your residence." His eyes sparkled with relinquished laughter. He reached out for her hand leaving his suspended in the air.

Abby made no move to accept his offered hand. She looked at his shoes and blanched they were covered in what was her morning meal. He didn't even seem angry she ruined a fine pair of shoes. Actually he seemed amused at the fact he was covered in her vomit. She was becoming confused. Why was he following her. He saved her and she thanked him for it. Then why was he still trying to help. She relaxed her defensive position and arched her brow at him.

Drowning In Desire  ***COMPLETE***Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant